=head1 NAME lapidary - Determine the read coverage and identity to a protein database using diamond =head1 DESCRIPTION Determine the read coverage and identity of reads from fastq files to a protein database using diamond and reports the output to a file =head1 SYNOPSIS $ lapidary -read_1 Examples/Reads/Paired_reads_1.fq.gz -read_2 Examples/Reads/Paired_reads_2.fq.gz -read_type paired -db Examples/Amino_acid_database.fasta ... Total time = 5.668s Reported 613 pairwise alignments, 613 HSPs. 613 queries aligned. =head1 AUTHOR Samuel Bloomfield =head1 LICENSE GPL_3 =head1 INSTALLATION Using C<cpan>: $ cpan App::lapidary Manual install: $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make install =cut