NAME Amon2::Auth::Site::LINE - LINE integration for Amon2 SYNOPSIS # in your configuration file +{ Auth => { LINE => { client_id => '123456789Z',, client_secret => '01234567889abcdef0123456789abcdx', scope => [qw(profile)], } } } # in your web app __PACKAGE__->load_plugin('Web::Auth', { module => 'LINE', on_finished => sub { my($c, $token, $user) = @_; my $user_id = $user->{userId}; my $name = $user->{displayName}; $c->session->set(user_id => $user_id); $c->session->set(name => $name); return $c->redirect('/'); }, on_error => sub { my($c, $error_message) = @_; ... } }); DESCRIPTION This is a LINE Login authentication module for Amon2. It uses LINE Login v2.1 APIs. ATTRIBUTES FOR CONFIGURATION FILE Following attributes are set in your configuration file such like "config/" and so on. client_id Mandatory. It is issued on LINE Developers Console. client_secret Mandatory. It is issued on LINE Developers Console. redirect_uri Optional. It's used for some API's "redirect_uri" parameter. If it's ommited, "callback_path" which is passed as an attribute for argument is used instead of it. state Optional. If you don't set nothing, it generates a random string. The "state" parameter is used a system for preventing CSRF on OAuth 2.0. This attribute should not be set some foreseeable fixed value. scope API scope as an array-ref. Acceptable values are: "profile", "openid" and "email". See detail: < /#scope> Default value is "['profile']". nonce Optional. If you don't set nothing, it generates a random string. The "nonce" parameter is used a system for preventing replay attack / token interception attack on OpenID Connect. This attribute should not be set some foreseeable fixed value. prompt Optional. "consent" is acceptable. max_age Optional. Specified on OpenID Conjnect Core 1.0. ui_locales Optional. Specified on OpenID Conjnect Core 1.0. bot_prompt Optional. "normal" and "aggressive" are acceptable. state_session_key Optional. "state" parameter is kept on session with this specified session key during authentication. Default values "line_login_state". nonce_session_key Optional. "nonce" parameter is kept on session with this specified session key during. Default values "line_login_nonce". ATTRIBUTES FOR ARGUMENT authenticate_path Optional. Default value is "/auth/line/authenticate". The path works for "login link". callback_path Optional. Default value is "/auth/line/callback". on_finished Mandatory. The details are described following. on_error Optional. The details are described following. user_info Optional. If it's true, this module fetches the user information after authentication. METHODS "$auth->auth_uri($c:Amon2::Web, $callback_uri : Str) :Str" Get a authenticate URI. "$auth->callback($c:Amon2::Web, $callback:HashRef) : Plack::Response" Process the authentication callback dispatching. $callback MUST have two keys. on_error on_error callback function is called when an error occurs. The arguments are following: sub { my ($c, $error_message) = @_; ... } on_finished on_finished callback function is called if an authentication was function is called After successful authentication. The arguments are following: sub { my ($c, $access_token, $api_response) = @_; ... } $api_response contains an issued access token, a verified access token validity, and a gotten user profile. And they are all merged into one hash-ref. This code contains a information like < n-response>, < ess-token-response> and < e-response>. If you set "$auth->user_info" as a false value and/or you don't set "profile" as the "scope" attribute, authentication engine does not pass a gotten user profile. AUTHOR Koichi Taniguchi (a.k.a. nipotan) <> LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO * LINE Login v2.1 API Reference <> * Amon2::Plugin::Web::Auth Amon2::Plugin::Web::Auth