NAME HTML::Declare - For When Template Systems Are Too Huge And Heredocs Too Messy VERSION version 2.6 SYNOPSIS # Import all constructors use HTML::Declare ':all'; # A simple hello world print HTML { _ => [ HEAD { _ => TITLE { _ => 'Hello World!' } }, BODY { _ => 'Hello World!' } ] }; # Import specific constructors use HTML::Declare qw/DIV A/; # A simple anchor nested in a div my $tree = DIV { _ => [ A { href => '', _ => '<< Home Sweet Home!' } ] }; print "$tree"; DESCRIPTION A very simple micro language to generate HTML. This is not a real template system like Template or HTML::Mason, it's just a simple (and fun) way to avoid those messy heredocs. ;) METHODS HTML::Declare instances have the following methods. new as_html attributes children tag FUNCTIONS All exported functions work the same, they expect a hashref as first argument which contains attributes for the tag to generate. The special attribute _ contains the content for the tag. The content may be a single string (in this case entities are auto encoded), a arrayref containing strings that shouldn't be encoded or HTML::Declare instances. <TAG> { attribute => 'value' } DIV { id => 'foo', _ => 'lalala<<encode me>>' } DIV { id => 'link' _ => [ '<b>Don't encode me!</b>' ] } DIV { _ => [ A { href => '', _ => 'Home!' } ] } DIV { _ => [ A { href => 'http://host', _ => H1 { _ => 'Test' } } ] } A ABBR ACRONYM ADDRESS AREA B BASE BDO BIG BLOCKQUOTE BODY BR BUTTON CAPTION CITE CODE COL COLGROUP DD DEL DIV DFN DL DT EM FIELDSET FORM FRAME FRAMESET H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 HEAD HR HTML I IFRAME IMG INPUT INS KBD LABEL LEGEND LI LINK MAP META NOFRAMES NOSCRIPT OBJECT OL OPTGROUP OPTION P PARAM PRE Q SAMP SCRIPT SELECT SMALL SPAN STRONG STYLE SUB SUP TABLE TAG TBODY TD TEXTAREA TFOOT TH THEAD TITLE TR TT UL VAR THANK YOU Tatsuhiko Miyagawa AUTHOR Sebastian Riedel, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Sebastian Riedel, C. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.