
RTx::RightsMatrix is an extension for Request Tracker (RT) that
makes managing and understanding RT rights easier. Once installed
an RT administrator can access the interface under Configuration ->
Tools -> Rights Matrix.

Users can also see and manage rights under Preferences -> My Rights.
(Note: The user menu requires RT > 3.4.4 or a callback must be
added to UserTabs)

RTx::RightsMatrix also includes support for mananging Asset Tracker
(AT) rights. AT is an asset tracking extension for RT.


This is a beta release and should probably not be used in a
production environment. However, it wouldn't hurt to install it
in production and use it to view rights, but not manage them.


To install this module, run the following commands:

    RTHOME=/opt/rt3 perl Makefile.PL
    make test    # tests will only run if your database is rt3regression
    make install


Copyright (C) 2005 Todd Chapman

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.