-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 DNS::BL ======= Modules and scripts that ease the maintenance and operation of DNS blacklists. See perldoc for more information. The blacklist might be stored in a Berkeley DB or in a DBI-supported database. Scripts and instructions are included for installation with MySQL. The blacklists can be exported to various formats, to load into name servers. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: DBI (for storing rules in a DBI-supported database) Test::More (for improved testing) BerkeleyDB (for storing rules in a Berkeley DB) NetAddr::IP Some particular features require one or more of the following modules. If you do not have those modules installed, these features won't be available. Test::POD (recommended for testing the documentation) SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS I have no control on the machanisms involved in the storage or transport of this distribution. This means that I cannot guarantee that the distribution you have in your hands is indeed, the same distribution I packed and uploaded. Along the distribution file, you should have a file with the extension ".asc". This contains a GPG "detached signature" that makes it impossible for anybody to alter this distribution. If security is of any concern to you, by all means verify the signature of this file and contact the author if any discrepancy is detected. You can find more information about this at the following URL http://mipagina.cantv.net/lem/gpg/ This information includes the correct keys, fingerprints, etc. Note that this README file should also be signed. DNS BLOCK LIST MANAGEMENT Managing your own DNS Block List (DNSBL) is not something you must undertake lightly. This software is provided with the hope that it makes this task easier. However, understand that the management of the DNSBL data is actually the easiest part. A succesful DNSBL, specially one protecting public email, must be supported by a clear listing and delisting policy. This is something you must provide by yourself. At this time, the Berkeley DB backend is somewhat stable and quite usable, up to a few thousand entries. This shouls allow you to "get your feet wet" in setting up the script environment that often surrounds the maintenance of private DNSBLs. At some point, you must transition from the Berkeley DB backend to the DBI backend, so that you can store your DNSBL information in an external database. This two-step approach eases the learning curve and the usual difficulty that is usually associated with setting up and maintaining your DNSBL. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2004 Luis Muñoz This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Darwin) iD8DBQFBzGwpQyDWGRI/hhARAndcAJ9z1BLXCfBkYYSZNEtnTHcxilZTIwCgl8jD B+Iy5BISTvOdZWjRWIg8kpI= =JXMy -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----