.::MySQL/TableInfo version 1.01::..


MySQL::TableInfo is a handy class for getting easy access to MySQL tables' descriptions
which is available via

    DESCRIBE table_name, SHOW COLUMNS FROM table_name

queries. It's also handy for constructing form based CGI applications to control HTML forms'
attributes such as C<VALUE>, C<SIZE>, C<MAXLENGTH>, C<TYPE> and so forth. 
For example, if you have a ENUM('Yes', 'No') column in your mysql table, then you normally
would present it either as a group of radio buttons, or as a <SELECT> menu. If you modify
the column, and add one more option, ENUM('Yes', 'No', 'N/A'), then you will have to 
re-write your html code accordingly. By using MySQL::TableInfo, you can avoide this double 
troubles. Consider the following code:

        use CGI;
        use DBI;
        my MySQL::TableInfo;

        my $CGI = new CGI:
        my $dbh = DBI->connect(....);
        my $table = new MySQL::TableInfo($dbh, "bio");

        print $CGI->header, $CGI->start_html("MySQL::TableInfo");

        print $CGI->start_form,
                $CGI->div("Do you wear beard?"),

        print $CGI->end_html;

As you see, modifying 'beard' column, which is an enumeration column, whould
reflect in your CGI too.        


After downloading the destribution, you need to uncompress and unpack it. 
In windows you could use WinZip. In *.nix you can use gzip to uncompress
the file and use 'tar' to unpack it. You can combine the two steps into 
one command like:
   % gzip -dc MySQL-TableInfo-0.03.tar.gz | tar -xof -

Then cd into the folder:

   % cd MySQL-TableInfo-0.08

And perform the following commands:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make install


Perl 5 or later is required to install this module.


This library is a free software. You can modify and destribute this 
under the same condition as Perl itself. 


Sherzod B. Ruzmetov, sherzodr@cpan.org