Mojo::WebSocketProxy::Backend::ConsumerGroups - Class for communication
    with backend by sending messaging through redis streams.


    version 0.07


    Class for communication with backend by sending messaging through redis

      * Redis streams is used as channel for sending request to backend

      * Redis subscriptions is used as channel for receiving responses from
      backend servers.





    Creates object instance of the class

      * redis_uri - URI for Redis connection. Ignored if the redis argument
      is also given.

      * redis - Redis client object (must be compatible with Mojo::Redis2).
      This argument will override the redis_uri argument.

      * timeout - Request timeout, in seconds. If not set, uses the
      environment variable RPC_QUEUE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, or defaults to 30

      * queue_separation_enabled - Boolean to specify if messages should be
      assigned to different queus based on their category or only general

      * category_timeout_config - A hash containing the timeout value for
      each request category.

          { general => 5, other => 120 }



    Returns hashref which is used as a storage for keeping requests which
    were sent. Stucture of the hash should be like:

      * key - request id, which we'll get from redis after successful
      adding request to the stream

      * value - future object, which will be done in case of getting
      response, of cancelled in case of timeout




    Hash containing the timeout value for each rpc call category.

        { general => 5, other => 120 }


    Boolean specifying if category separation should be enabled.


    Return unique ID of Redis which will be used by backend server to send
    response. Id is persistent for the object.


    Makes a remote call to a process returning the result to the client in
    JSON format. Before, After and error actions can be specified using
    call backs. It takes the following arguments

      * $c : Mojolicious::Controller

      * $req_storage A hashref of attributes stored with the request. This
      routine uses some of the following named arguments:

	* method The name of the method at the remote end.

	* msg_type a name for this method; if not supplied method is used.

	* call_params a hashref of arguments on top of req_storage to send
	to remote method. This will be suplemented with
	$req_storage->{args} added as an args key and be merged with
	$req_storage->{stash_params} with stash_params overwriting any
	matching keys in call_params.

	* rpc_response_callback If supplied this will be run with args:
	Mojolicious::Controller instance, the rpc_response and
	$req_storage. Note: if rpc_response_callback is supplied the
	success and error callbacks are not used.

	* before_get_rpc_response arrayref of subroutines to be run before
	the remote response is received, with args: $c and req_storage

	* after_get_rpc_response arrayref of subroutines to be run after
	the remote response is received; called with args: $c and
	req_storage called only when there is an response from the remote

	* before_call arrayref of subroutines called before the request to
	the remote service is made.

	* rpc_failure_cb a subroutine reference to call if the remote call
	fails. Called with Mojolicious::Controller, the rpc_response and

	* category - if supplied, the message will be assigned to the Redis
	channel with the corresponding name. The general channel will be
	used by default if either $msg_type is not provided or
	queue_separation_enabled is 0.

    Returns undef.


    Sends request to backend service. The method accepts following

      * request_data - an arrayref containing data for the item which is
      going to be put into redis stream.

      * $category_name - this will be passed to _send_request to specify
      which redis category this message belongs to.

      * category_timeout - timeout value for this specific call (differs
      based on category)

    Returns future. Which will be marked as done in case getting response
    from backend server. And it'll be marked as failed in case of request
    timeout or in case of error putting request to redis stream.


    By using redis subscription, we subscribe on channel for receiving
    responses from backend server. We'll use uniq id generated by whoami as
    subscription channel. Subscription will be done only once within first
    request to backend server.


    DERIV <>


    This software is copyright (c) 2021 by Deriv Services Ltd.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.