Module::Build::Pluggable::PDL - Plugin to Module::Build to build PDL

    version 0.23

        # Build.PL
        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use Module::Build::Pluggable ('PDL');

        my $builder = Module::Build::Pluggable->new(
            dist_name  => 'PDL::My::Module',
            license    => 'perl',
            requires   => { },

    This is a plugin for Module::Build (using Module::Build::Pluggable) that
    will assist in building PDL distributions. Please see the
    Module::Build::Authoring documentation if you are not familiar with it.

    Add Prerequisites
            requires => { 'PDL' => '2.000' },
            build_requires => {
                'PDL'                => '2.000',
                'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.23',

        You can, or course, require your own versions of these modules by
        adding them to "requires =" {}> as usual.

    Process ".pd" files
        The "lib" directory of your distribution will be searched for ".pd"
        files and, immediately prior to the build phase, these will be
        processed by "PDL::PP" into ".xs" and ".pm". files as required to
        continue the build process. These will then be processed by
        "Ext::CBuilder" as normal. These files are also added to the list of
        file to be cleaned up.

        In addition, an entry will be made into "provides" for the ".pm"
        file of the "META.json/yml" files. This will assist PAUSE, and in properly indexing the
        distribution and

    Generate ".pod" file from the ".pd"
        When building the distribution ("./Build dist" or "./Build
        distdir"), any ".pd" file found in the "lib" directory will
        converted into ".pod" files. This produces a standalone version of
        the documentation which can be viewed on,, etc. When these sites attempt to display the pod in
        the ".pd" files directly, there is often formatting and processing

        This is accomplished by first processing the files with "PDL::PP"
        and then "perldoc -u".

    Add Include Dirs
            include_dirs => PDL::Core::Dev::whereami_any() . '/Core';

        The "PDL/Core" directory is added to the "include_dirs" flag.

    Add Extra Linker Flags
            extra_linker_flags =>  $PDL::Config{MALLOCDBG}->{libs}
              if $PDL::Config{MALLOCDBG}->{libs};

        If needed, the MALLOCDBG libs will be added to the

    This is essentially a rewrite of David Mertens' Module::Build::PDL to
    use Module::Build::Pluggable. The conversion to Module::Build::Pluggable
    fixes multiple inheritance issues with subclassing Module::Build. In
    particular, I needed to be able use the
    Module::Build::Pluggable::Fortran in my PDL projects.

    Thank you David++ for Module::Build::PDL.

    Of course, all of this just tweaks the Module::Build setup.

    Mark Grimes, <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Mark Grimes, <>.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.