# Perl-Dist-APPerl [Actually Portable Perl](https://computoid.com/APPerl/) ## DESCRIPTION Actually Portable Perl (APPerl) is a distribution of Perl the runs on several x86_64 operating systems via the same binary. It builds to a single binary with perl modules packed inside of it. Cross-platform, single binary, standalone Perl applications can be made by building custom versions of APPerl, with and without compiling Perl from scratch, so it can be used an alternative to **PAR::Packer**. APPerl could also easily be added to development SDKs, carried on your USB drive, or just allow you to run the exact same perl on all your PCs multiple computers. Information on the creation of APPerl can be found in this [blogpost](https://computoid.com/posts/Perl-is-Actually-Portable.html). ## TRADITIONAL INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: ``` perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ``` ## BOOTSTRAPPING To handle the chicken-and egg-situation of needing Perl to build APPerl, APPerl may be bootstrapped from an existing build of APPerl. See [releases](https://github.com/G4Vi/Perl-Dist-APPerl/releases) and pick a "full" build. From inside a copy of this repo, you can run `apperlm` as follows: `./perl.com -Ilib script/apperlm` `apperlm` is actually included in a full build of APPerl too. ``` ln -s perl.com apperlm ./apperlm ``` ## SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. `perldoc Perl::Dist::APPerl` More information may be available at the [APPerl webpage](https://computoid.com/APPerl/) Support and bug reports can be found at the repository <https://github.com/G4Vi/Perl-Dist-APPerl> ## LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Gavin Hayes. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. See LICENSE.