# NAME Regexp::Common::Markdown - Markdown Common Regular Expressions # SYNOPSIS use Regexp::Common qw( Markdown ); while( <> ) { my $pos = pos( $_ ); /\G$RE{Markdown}{Header}/gmc and print "Found a header at pos $pos\n"; /\G$RE{Markdown}{Bold}/gmc and print "Found bold text at pos $pos\n"; } # VERSION v0.1.1 # DESCRIPTION This module provides Markdown regular expressions as set out by its original author [John Gruber](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) There are different types of patterns: vanilla and extended. To get the extended regular expressions, use the `-extended` switch. You can use each regular expression by using their respective names: _Bold_, _Blockquote_, _CodeBlock_, _CodeLine_, _CodeSpan_, _Em_, _HtmlOpen_, _HtmlClose_, _HtmlEmpty_, _Header_, _HeaderLine_, _Image_, _ImageRef_, _Line_, _Link_, _LinkAuto_, _LinkDefinition_, _LinkRef_, _List_ Almost all of the regular expressions use named capture. See ["%+" in perlvar](https://metacpan.org/pod/perlvar#pod) for more information on named capture. For example: if( $text =~ /$RE{Markdown}{LinkAuto}/ ) { print( "Found https url \"$+{link_https}\"\n" ) if( $+{link_https} ); print( "Found file url \"$+{link_file}\"\n" ) if( $+{link_file} ); print( "Found ftp url \"$+{link_ftp}\"\n" ) if( $+{link_ftp} ); print( "Found e-mail address \"$+{link_mailto}\"\n" ) if( $+{link_mailto} ); print( "Found Found phone number \"$+{link_tel}\"\n" ) if( $+{link_tel} ); my $url = URI->new( $+{link_https} ); } As a general rule, Markdown rule requires that the text being parsed be de-tabbed, i.e. with its tabs converted into 4 spaces. Those regular expressions reflect this principle. # STANDARD MARKDOWN ## `$RE{Markdown}` This returns a pattern that recognises any of the supported vanilla Markdown formatting. If you pass the `-extended` parameter, some will be added and some of those regular expressions will be replaced by their extended ones, such as _ExtAbbr_, _ExtCodeBlock_, _ExtLink_, _ExtAttributes_ ## Blockquote $RE{Markdown}{Blockquote} For example: > foo > > > bar > > foo You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/TdKq0K/1/tests](https://regex101.com/r/TdKq0K/1/tests) The capture names are: - bquote\_all The entire capture of the blockquote. - bquote\_other The inner content of the blockquote. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Blockquote](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ABlockquote) ## Bold $RE{Markdown}{Bold} For example: **This is a text in bold.** __And so is this.__ You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/Jp2Kos/2/tests](https://regex101.com/r/Jp2Kos/2/tests) The capture names are: - bold\_all The entire capture of the text in bold including the enclosing marker, which can be either `**` or `__` - bold\_text The text within the markers. - bold\_type The marker type used to highlight the text. This can be either `**` or `__` You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Bold](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ABold) ## Code Block $RE{Markdown}{CodeBlock} For example: ``` Some text Indented code block sample code ``` You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/M6W99K/1/tests](https://regex101.com/r/M6W99K/1/tests) The capture names are: - code\_all The entire capture of the code block, including the enclosing markers, such as ```` ``` ```` - code\_content The content of the code enclosed within the 2 markers. - code\_start The enclosing marker used to mark the code. Typically ```` ``` ````. - code\_trailing\_new\_line The possible trailing new lines. This is used to detect if any were captured in order to put them back in the parsed text for the next markdown, since the last new lines of a markdown are alos the first new lines of the next ones and new lines are used to delimit markdowns. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Code](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ACode) ## Code Line $RE{Markdown}{CodeLine} For example: the lines in this block all contain trailing spaces You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/toEboU/1/tests](https://regex101.com/r/toEboU/1/tests) The capture names are: - code\_after This contains the data that follows the code block. - code\_all The entire capture of the code lines. - code\_content The content of the code. - code\_prefix This contains the leading spaces used to mark the code as code. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Code](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ACode) ## Code Span $RE{Markdown}{CodeSpan} For example: This is some `inline code` You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/C2Vl9M/1/tests](https://regex101.com/r/C2Vl9M/1/tests) The capture names are: - code\_all The entire capture of the code lines. - code\_start Contains the marker that delimit the inline code. The delimiter is `` ` `` - code\_content The content of the code. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Code](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ACode) ## Emphasis $RE{Markdown}{Em} For example: This routine parameter is _test_ You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/eDb6RN/2/tests](https://regex101.com/r/eDb6RN/2/tests) You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Emphasis](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AEmphasis) ## Header $RE{Markdown}{Header} For example: ### This is a H3 Header ### And so is this one ### You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/9uQwBk/2/tests](https://regex101.com/r/9uQwBk/2/tests) The capture names are: - header\_all The entire capture of the code lines. - header\_content The text that is enclosed in the header marker. - header\_level This contains all the dashes that precedes the text. The number of dash indicates the level of the header. Thus, you could do something like this: length( $+{header_level} ); You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Header](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AHeader) ## Header Line $RE{Markdown}{HeaderLine} For example: This is an H1 header ==================== And this is a H2 ----------- You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/sQLEqz/2/tests](https://regex101.com/r/sQLEqz/2/tests) The capture names are: - header\_all The entire capture of the code lines. - header\_content The text that is enclosed in the header marker. - header\_type This contains the marker line used to mark the line above as header. A line using `=` is a header of level 1, while a line using `-` is a header of level 2. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Header](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AHeader) ## HTML $RE{Markdown}{Html} For example: <div> foo </div> You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/SH8ki3/1/tests](https://regex101.com/r/SH8ki3/1/tests) The capture names are: - html\_all The entire capture of the html block. - html\_comment If this html block is a comment, this will contain the data within the comment. - html\_content The inner content between the opning and closing tag. This could be more html block or some text. This capture will not be available obviously for html tags that are "empty" by nature, such as `<hr /`> - tag\_attributes The attributes of the opening tag, if any. For example: <div title="Start" class="center large" id="extra_stuff"> <span title="Brand name">MyWorld</span> </div> Here, the attributes will be: title="Start" class="center large" id="extra_stuff" - tag\_close The closing tag, including enclosing brackets. - tag\_name This contains the name of the first html tag encountered, i.e. the one that starts the html block. For example: <div> <span title="Brand name">MyWorld</span> </div> Here the tag name will be `div` You can see also [Markdown::Parser::HTML](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AHTML) ## Image $RE{Markdown}{Image} For example:  or  or, with reference: ![alt text][foo] You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/z0yH2F/4/tests](https://regex101.com/r/z0yH2F/4/tests) The capture names are: - img\_all The entire capture of the markdown, such as:  - img\_alt The alternative tet to be displayed for this image. This is mandatory as per markdown, so it is guaranteed to be available. - img\_id If the image, is an image reference, this will contain the reference id. When an image id is provided, there is no url and no title, because the image reference provides those information. - img\_title This is the title of the image, which may not exist, since it is optional in markdown. The title is surrounded by single or double quote that are captured in _img\_title\_container_ - img\_url This is the url of the image. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Image](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AImage) ## Line $RE{Markdown}{Line} For example: --- or - - - or *** or * * * or ___ or _ _ _ You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/Vlew4X/2](https://regex101.com/r/Vlew4X/2) The capture names are: - line\_all The entire capture of the horizontal line. - line\_type This contains the marker used to set the line. Valid markers are `*`, `-`, or `_` See also [Markdown original author reference for horizontal line](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#hr) You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Line](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ALine) ## Line Break $RE{Markdown}{LineBreak} For example: Mignonne, allons voir si la rose Qui ce matin avait déclose Sa robe de pourpre au soleil, A point perdu cette vesprée, Les plis de sa robe pourprée, Et son teint au vôtre pareil. To ensure arbitrary line breaks, each line ends with 2 spaces and 1 line break. This should become: Mignonne, allons voir si la rose<br /> Qui ce matin avait déclose<br /> Sa robe de pourpre au soleil,<br /> A point perdu cette vesprée,<br /> Les plis de sa robe pourprée,<br /> Et son teint au vôtre pareil. P.S.: If you're wondering, this is an extract from [Ronsard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_de_Ronsard). You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/6VG46H/1/](https://regex101.com/r/6VG46H/1/) There is no capture name. This is basically used like this: if( $text =~ /\G$RE{Markdown}{LineBreak}/ ) { print( "Found a line break\n" ); } Or $text =~ s/$RE{Markdown}{LineBreak}/<br \/>\n/gs; You can see also [Markdown::Parser::NewLine](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ANewLine) The capture name is: - br\_all The entire capture of the line break. ## Link $RE{Markdown}{Link} For example: [Inline link](https://www.example.com "title") or [Inline link](/some/path "title") or, without title [Inline link](/some/path) or with a reference id: [reference link][refid] [refid]: /path/to/something (Title) or, using the link text as the id for the reference: [My Example][] [My Example]: https://example.com (Great Example) You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/sGsOIv/4/tests](https://regex101.com/r/sGsOIv/4/tests) The capture names are: - link\_all The entire capture of the link. - link\_title\_container If there is a link title, this contains the single or double quote enclosing it. - link\_id The link reference id. For example here `1` is the id. [Reference link 1 with parens][1] - link\_name The link text - link\_title The link title, if any. - link\_url The link url, if any You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Link](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ALink) ## Link Auto $RE{Markdown}{LinkAuto} Supports, http, https, ftp, newsgroup, local file, e-mail address or phone numbers For example: <https://www.example.com> would become: <a href="https://www.example.com">https://www.example.com</a> An e-mail such as: <!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`.{|}~@example.com> would become: <a href="mailto:!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`.{|}~@example.com>!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`.{|}~@example.com</a> Other possible and valid e-mail addresses: <"abc@def"@example.com> <jsmith@[]> A file link: <file:///Volume/User/john/Document/form.rtf> A newsgroup link: <news:alt.fr.perl> A ftp uri: <ftp://ftp.example.com/plop/> Phone numbers: <+81-90-1234-5678> <tel:+81-90-1234-5678> You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/bAUu1E/3/tests](https://regex101.com/r/bAUu1E/3/tests) The capture names are: - link\_all The entire capture of the link. - link\_file A local file url, such as: `ile:///Volume/User/john/Document/form.rtf` - link\_ftp Contains an ftp url - link\_http Contains an http url - link\_https Contains an https url - link\_mailto An e-mail address with or without the `mailto:` prefix. - link\_news A newsgroup link url, such as `news:alt.fr.perl` - link\_tel Contains a telephone url according to the [rfc 3966](https://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc3966) - link\_url Contains the link uri, which contains one of _link\_file_, _link\_ftp_, _link\_http_, _link\_https_, _link\_mailto_, _link\_news_ or _link\_tel_ You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Link](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ALink) ## Link Definition $RE{Markdown}{LinkDefinition} For example: [1]: /url/ "Title" [refid]: /path/to/something (Title) You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/edg2F7/2/tests](https://regex101.com/r/edg2F7/2/tests) The capture names are: - link\_all The entire capture of the link. - link\_id The link id - link\_title The link title - link\_title\_container The character used to enclose the title, if any. This is either `"` or `'` - link\_url The link url You can see also [Markdown::Parser::LinkDefinition](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ALinkDefinition) ## Link Reference $RE{Markdown}{LinkRef} Example: Foo [bar] [1]. Foo [bar][1]. Foo [bar] [1]. [Foo][] [1]: /url/ "Title" [Foo]: https://www.example.com You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/QmyfnH/1/tests](https://regex101.com/r/QmyfnH/1/tests) The capture names are: - link\_all The entire capture of the link. - link\_id The link reference id. For example here `1` is the id. [Reference link 1 with parens][1] - link\_name The link text See also the [reference on links by Markdown original author](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#link) You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Link](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ALink) ## List $RE{Markdown}{List} For example, an unordered list: * asterisk 1 * asterisk 2 * asterisk 3 or, an ordered list: 1. One item 1. Second item 1. Third item You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/RfhRVg/4](https://regex101.com/r/RfhRVg/4) The capture names are: - list\_after The data that follows the list. - list\_all The entire capture of the markdown. - list\_content The content of the list. - list\_prefix Contains the first list marker possible preceded by some space. A list marker is `*`, or `+`, or `-` or a digit with a dot such as `1.` - list\_type\_any Contains the list marker such as `*`, or `+`, or `-` or a digit with a dot such as `1.` This is included in the _list\_prefix_ named capture. - list\_type\_any2 Sale as _list\_type\_any_, but matches the following item if any. If there is no matching item, then an end of string is expected. - list\_type\_ordered Contains a digit followed by a dot if the list is an ordered one. - list\_type\_ordered2 Same as _list\_type\_ordered_, but for the following list item, if any. - list\_type\_unordered\_minus Contains the marker of a minus `-` value if the list marker uses a minus sign. - list\_type\_unordered\_minus2 Same as _list\_type\_unordered\_minus_, but for the following list item, if any. - list\_type\_unordered\_plus Contains the marker of a plus `+` value if the list marker uses a plus sign. - list\_type\_unordered\_plus2 Same as _list\_type\_unordered\_plus_, but for the following list item, if any. - list\_type\_unordered\_star Contains the marker of a star `*` value if the list marker uses a star. - list\_type\_unordered\_star2 Same as _list\_type\_unordered\_star_, but for the following list item, if any. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::List](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AList) ## List First Level $RE{Markdown}{ListFirstLevel} This regular expression is used for top level list, as opposed to the nth level pattern that is used for sub list. Both will match lists within list, but the processing under markdown is different whether the list is a top level one or an sub one. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::List](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AList) ## List Nth Level $RE{Markdown}{ListNthLevel} Regular expression to process list within list. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::List](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AList) ## List Item $RE{Markdown}{ListItem} You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/bulBCP/1/tests](https://regex101.com/r/bulBCP/1/tests) The capture names are: - li\_all The entire capture of the markdown. - li\_content Contains the data contained in this list item - li\_lead\_line The optional leding line breaks - li\_lead\_space The optional leading spaces or tabs. This is used to check that following items belong to the same list level - list\_type\_any This contains the list type marker, which can be `*`, `+`, `-` or a digit with a dot such as `1.` - list\_type\_any2 Sale as _list\_type\_any_, but matches the following item if any. If there is no matching item, then an end of string is expected. - list\_type\_ordered This contains a true value if the list marker contains a digit followed by a dot, such as `1.` - list\_type\_ordered2 Same as _list\_type\_ordered_, but for the following list item, if any. - list\_type\_unordered\_minus This contains a true value if the list marker is a minus sign, i.e. `-` - list\_type\_unordered\_minus2 Same as _list\_type\_unordered\_minus_, but for the following list item, if any. - list\_type\_unordered\_plus This contains a true value if the list marker is a plus sign, i.e. `+` - list\_type\_unordered\_plus2 Same as _list\_type\_unordered\_plus_, but for the following list item, if any. - list\_type\_unordered\_star This contains a true value if the list marker is a star, i.e. `*` - list\_type\_unordered\_star2 Same as _list\_type\_unordered\_star_, but for the following list item, if any. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::ListItem](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AListItem) ## Paragraph $RE{Markdown}{Paragraph} For example: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Lorem Ipsum > Why am I matching? 1. Nonononono! * Aaaagh! # Stahhhp! This regular expression would capture the whole block up until "Lorem Ipsum", but will be careful not to catch other markdown element after that. Thus, anything after "Lorem Ipsum" would not be caught because this is a blockquote. You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/0B3gR4/2/](https://regex101.com/r/0B3gR4/2/) The capture names are: - para\_all The entire capture of the paragraph. - para\_content Content of the paragraph - para\_prefix Any leading space (up to 3) You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Paragraph](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AParagraph) # EXTENDED MARKDOWN ## Abbreviation $RE{Markdown}{ExtAbbr} For example: Some discussion about HTML, SGML and HTML4. *[HTML4]: Hyper Text Markup Language version 4 *[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language *[SGML]: Standard Generalized Markup Language You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/ztM2Pw/2/tests](https://regex101.com/r/ztM2Pw/2/tests) The capture names are: - abbr\_all The entire capture of the abbreviation. - abbr\_name Contains the abbreviation. For example `HTML` - abbr\_value Contains the abbreviation value. For example `Hyper Text Markup Language` You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Abbr](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AAbbr) ## Attributes $RE{Markdown}{ExtAttributes} For example, an header with attribute `.cl.class#id7` ### Header {.cl.class#id7 } ## Code Block $RE{Markdown}{ExtCodeBlock} This is the same as conventional blocks with backticks, except the extended version uses tilde characters. For example: ~~~ <div> ~~~ You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/Y9lPAz/1/tests](https://regex101.com/r/Y9lPAz/1/tests) The capture names are: - code\_all The entire capture of the code. - code\_attr The class and/or id attributes for this code. This is something like: `````` .html {#codeid} </div> `````` Here, _code\_class_ would contain `#codeid` - code\_class The class of code. For example: ``````html {#codeid} </div> `````` Here the code class would be `html` - code\_content The code data enclosed within the code markers (backticks or tilde) - code\_start Contains the code delimiter, which is either a series of backticks `` ` `` or tilde `~` You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Code](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ACode) ## Footnotes $RE{Markdown}{ExtFootnote} This looks like this: [^1]: Content for fifth footnote. [^2]: Content for sixth footnote spaning on three lines, with some span-level markup like _emphasis_, a [link][]. A reference to those footnotes could be: Some paragraph with a footnote[^1], and another[^2]. The _footnote\_id_ reference can be anything as long as it is unique. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Footnote](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AFootnote) ### Inline Footnotes For consistency with links, footnotes can be added inline, like this: I met Jack [^jack](Co-founder of Angels, Inc) at the meet-up. Inline notes will work even without the identifier. For example: I met Jack [^](Co-founder of Angels, Inc) at the meet-up. However, in compliance with pandoc footnotes style, inline footnotes can also be added like this: Here is an inline note.^[Inlines notes are easier to write, since you don't have to pick an identifier and move down to type the note.] You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/WuB1FR/2/](https://regex101.com/r/WuB1FR/2/) The capture names are: - footnote\_all The entire capture of the footnote. - footnote\_id The footnote id which must be unique and will be referenced in text. - footnote\_text The footnote text You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Footnote](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AFootnote) ## Footnote Reference $RE{Markdown}{ExtFootnoteReference} This regular expression matches 3 types of footnote references: - 1 Conventional An id is specified referring to a footnote that provide details. Here's a simple footnote,[^1] [^1]: This is the first footnote. - 2 Inline I met Jack [^jack](Co-founder of Angels, Inc) at the meet-up. Inline footnotes without any id, i.e. auto-generated id. For example: I met Jack [^](Co-founder of Angels, Inc) at the meet-up. - 3 Inline auto-generated, pandoc style Here is an inline note.^[Inlines notes are easier to write, since you don't have to pick an identifier and move down to type the note.] See [pandoc manual](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#footnotes) for more information You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/3eO7rJ/1/](https://regex101.com/r/3eO7rJ/1/) The capture names are: - footnote\_all The entire capture of the footnote reference. - footnote\_id The footnote id which must be unique and must match a footnote declared anywhere in the document and not necessarily before. For example: Here's a simple footnote,[^1] [^1]: This is the first footnote. **1** here is the id fo the footnote. If it is not provided, then an id will be auto-generated, but a footnote text is then required. - footnote\_text The footnote text is optional if an id is provided. If an id is not provided, the fotnote text is guaranteed to have some value. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::FootnoteReference](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AFootnoteReference) ## Header $RE{Markdown}{ExtHeader} This extends regular header with attributes. For example: ### Header {.cl.class#id7 } You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/GyzbR2/1](https://regex101.com/r/GyzbR2/1) The capture names are: - header\_all The entire capture of the code lines. - header\_attr Contains the extended attribute set. For example: {.class#id} - header\_content The text that is enclosed in the header marker. - header\_level This contains all the dashes that precedes the text. The number of dash indicates the level of the header. Thus, you could do something like this: length( $+{header_level} ); You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Header](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AHeader) ## Header Line $RE{Markdown}{ExtHeaderLine} Same as header line, but with attributes. For example: Header {#id5.cl.class} ====== You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/berfAR/2/tests](https://regex101.com/r/berfAR/2/tests) The capture names are: - header\_all The entire capture of the code lines. - header\_attr Contains the extended attribute set. For example: {.class#id} - header\_content The text that is enclosed in the header marker. - header\_type This contains the marker line used to mark the line above as header. A line using `=` is a header of level 1, while a line using `-` is a header of level 2. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Header](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AHeader) ## Image $RE{Markdown}{ExtImage} Same as regular image, but with attributes. For example: This is an {.class #inline-img}. You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/xetHV1/2](https://regex101.com/r/xetHV1/2) The capture names are: - img\_all The entire capture of the markdown, such as:  - img\_alt The alternative tet to be displayed for this image. This is mandatory as per markdown, so it is guaranteed to be available. - img\_attr Contains the extended attribute set. For example: {.class#id} - img\_id If the image, is an image reference, this will contain the reference id. When an image id is provided, there is no url and no title, because the image reference provides those information. - img\_title This is the title of the image, which may not exist, since it is optional in markdown. The title is surrounded by single or double quote that are captured in _img\_title\_container_ - img\_url This is the url of the image. You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Image](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3AImage) ## Link $RE{Markdown}{ExtLink} Same as regular links, but with attributes. For example: This is an [inline link](/url "title"){.class #inline-link}. You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/7mLssJ/2](https://regex101.com/r/7mLssJ/2) The capture names are: - link\_all The entire capture of the link. - link\_attr Contains the extended attribute set. For example: {.class#id} - link\_title\_container If there is a link title, this contains the single or double quote enclosing it. - link\_id The link reference id. For example here `1` is the id. [Reference link 1 with parens][1] - link\_name The link text - link\_title The link title, if any. - link\_url The link url, if any You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Link](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ALink) ## Link Definition $RE{Markdown}{ExtLinkDefinition} Same as regular link definition, but with attributes For example: [refid]: /path/to/something (Title) { .class #ref data-key=val } You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/hVfXCe/2/](https://regex101.com/r/hVfXCe/2/) The capture names are: - link\_all The entire capture of the link. - link\_attr Contains the extended attribute set. For example: {.class#id} - link\_id The link id - link\_title The link title - link\_title\_container The character used to enclose the title, if any. This is either `"` or `'` - link\_url The link url You can see also [Markdown::Parser::LinkDefinition](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ALinkDefinition) ## Table $RE{Markdown}{ExtTable} For example: You can see example of this regular expression along with test units here: [https://regex101.com/r/01XCqB/9/tests](https://regex101.com/r/01XCqB/9/tests) The capture names are: - table The entire capture of the link. - table\_after Contains the data that follows the table. - table\_caption Contains the table caption if set. A table caption, in markdown can be position before or after the table. - table\_headers Contains the entire header rows - table\_rows Contains the table body rows Table format is taken from [David E. Wheeler RFC](https://justatheory.com/2009/02/markdown-table-rfc/) You can see also [Markdown::Parser::Table](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser%3A%3ATable) # SEE ALSO [Regexp::Common](https://metacpan.org/pod/Regexp%3A%3ACommon) for a general description of how to use this interface. [Markdown::Parser](https://metacpan.org/pod/Markdown%3A%3AParser) for a Markdown parser using this module. # CHANGES & CONTRIBUTIONS Feel free to reach out to the author for possible corrections, improvements, or suggestions. # AUTHOR Jacques Deguest <`jack@deguest.jp`> # CREDITS Credits to [Michel Fortin](https://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown) and [John Gruber](http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/markdown-discuss/2006-June/000079.html) for their test units. Credits to Firas Dib for his online [regular expression test tool](https://regex101.com). # COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (c) 2020 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd. You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the same terms as Perl itself.