# NAME Email::Extractor - Fast email crawler # VERSION version 0.01 # SYNOPSIS my $crawler = Email::Extractor->new( only_language => 'ru' ); $crawler->search_until_attempts('https://example.com' , 5); my $arrayref = $crawler->get_emails_from_uri($website); while (!@$arrayref) { my $urls_array = extract_contact_links($website); for my $url (@$urls_array) { $arrayref = $crawler->get_emails_from_uri($url); } } # DESCRIPTION Speedy crawler that can be used for extraction of email addresses from html pages Sharpen for russian language but you are welcome to send me MR with support of your own language, just modify ["contacts" in Email::Extractor](https://metacpan.org/pod/Email::Extractor#contacts) and ["url\_with\_contacts" in Email::Extractor](https://metacpan.org/pod/Email::Extractor#url_with_contacts) # NAME Email::Extractor # AUTHORS Pavel Serkov <pavelsr@cpan.org> ## new Constructor Params: only_lang - array of languages to check, by default is C<ru> ## search\_until\_attempts Search for email until number of search\_until\_attempts ## get\_emails\_from\_uri High-level function uses [Email::Find](https://metacpan.org/pod/Email::Find) Found all emails in html page $emails = $crawler->get_emails_from_uri('https://example.com'); $emails = $crawler->get_emails_from_uri('user/test.html'); Function can accept http(s) uri or file paths both Return `ARRAYREF` ## extract\_contact\_links Extract links that may contain company contacts $crawler->get_emails_from_uri('http://example.com'); $crawler->extract_contact_links; or you can load html manually and call this method with param: $crawler->extract_contact_links($html) But in that case method will not remove external links and make absolute Technically, this method to three things: 1) Extract all links that from html document (accepted as string) 2) Remove external links. 3) Store links that assumed to be contact separately. Assumption is made by looking on href and body of a tags Support both absolute or relative links Use [Mojo::DOM](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::DOM) currently Veriables for debug: $crawler->{last_all_links} # all links that was get in start of extract_contact_links method $self->{non_contact_links} # links assumed not contained company contacts $self->{last_uri} Return `ARRAYREF` ## contacts Return hash with contacts word in different languages perl -Ilib -E "use Email::Extractor; use Data::Dumper; print Dumper Email::Extractor::contacts();" ## url\_with\_contacts Return array of words that may contain contact url ## get\_encoding Return encoding of last loaded html For detection uses ["encoding\_from\_html\_document" in HTML::Encoding](https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML::Encoding#encoding_from_html_document) $self->get_encoding; $self->get_encoding($some_html_code); If called without parametes it return encoding of last text loaded by function load\_addr\_to\_str() ## contacts Return hash with contacts word in different languages perl -Ilib -E "use Email::Extractor; use Data::Dumper; print Dumper Email::Extractor::contacts();" ## get\_encoding Return encoding of last loaded html For detection uses ["encoding\_from\_html\_document" in HTML::Encoding](https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML::Encoding#encoding_from_html_document) $self->get_encoding; $self->get_encoding($some_html_code); If called without parametes it return encoding of last text loaded by function load\_addr\_to\_str() # AUTHOR Pavel Serikov <pavelsr@cpan.org> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Pavel Serikov. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.