Debuggit - A fairly simplistic debug statement handler

      use Debuggit(DEBUG => 1);

      # say you have a global hashref for your site configuration
      # (not to imply that global vars are good)
      our $Config = get_global_config();

      # now we can set some config things based on whether we're in debug mode or not
      $Config->{'DB'} = DEBUG ? 'dev' : 'prod';

      # maybe we need to pull our local Perl modules from our VC working copy
      push @INC, $Config->{'vcdir/lib'} if DEBUG;

      # basic debugging output
      debuggit("only print this if debugging is on");
      debuggit(3 => "only print this if debugging is level 3 or higher");

      # show off our formatting
      my $var1 = 6;
      my $var2;
      my $var3 = " leading and trailing spaces   ";
      # assuming debugging is enabled ...
      debuggit("var1 is", $var1);   # var1 is 6
      debuggit("var2 is", $var2);   # var2 is <<undef>>
      debuggit("var3 is", $var3);   # var3 is << leading and trailing spaces   >>
      # note that spaces between args, as well as final newlines, are provided automatically

      # use "functions" in the debugging args list
      my $var4 = { complex => 'hash', with => 'lots', of => 'stuff' };
      # this will call Data::Dumper::Dumper() for you
      # (even if you've never loaded Data::Dumper)
      debuggit("var4 is", DUMP => $var4);

      # make your own function
      Debuggit::add_func(CONFIG => 1, sub { my ($self, $var) = $_; return "$self var $var is $Config->{$var}" });
      # and use it like so
      debuggit(CONFIG => 'DB');     # CONFIG var DB is dev

    You want sophisticated, full-featured, on-demand debugging, and you
    don't want to take it out when you release the code because you might
    need it again later, but you also don't want it to take up any space or
    cause any slowdown of your production application. Sounds impossible?
    Nah. Just use Debuggit.

Quick Start
    To start:

        use strict;
        use warnings;

        use Debuggit;

        my $var = 6;
        debuggit(2 => "var is", $var);      # this does not print
        debuggit(4 => "var is", $var);      # neither does this

    Later ...

        use strict;
        use warnings;

        use Debuggit(DEBUG => 2);

        my $var = 6;
        debuggit(2 => "var is", $var);      # now this prints
        debuggit(4 => "var is", $var);      # but this still doesn't

    That's it. Really. Everything else is just gravy.

A Note on Documentation
    You know, documentation is a double-edged sword. Put too little, and no
    one will use your module because it's poorly documented. Put too much,
    and no one will use your module because it *must* be too complex ... I
    mean, just look at how much documentation it takes to describe it!

    Well, I happen to actually *like* writing documentation, so there's a
    healthy chunk of it here. But let me assure you that this is just
    because I'm being thorough, not because this module is complex. It's
    actually almost ridiculously simple at its core. (In fact, about 80% of
    the module *is* this documentation.) Start with the "Quick Start" above.
    After you get bored with how simple Debuggit is to use like that, and
    want to explore more options, come back and read the rest. Because
    everything thing else is completely optional.

A Note on Version Numbers
    I know it's very fashionable to mark any module you put on CPAN for the
    first time as version 0.000000001, and then take about eight years
    before daring to release a 1.0. However, this module (in earlier
    incarnations) has been used in production code for over 10 years now, so
    I don't really think it makes much sense to call it 0.01. I've chosen to
    start its CPAN life at 2.01, as this is its 3rd major rewrite. If it
    makes you feel better, just subtract 2 from the version number and
    you'll get a fairly accurate idea of its "true" CPAN version. Just be
    aware that it has had a pretty full life outside CPAN as well.

    The Changes file details this life fairly accurately. The version
    numbers are assigned using 20/20 hindsight, and I've filled in a few
    gaps in historical notes, but all the dates and most of the commit
    messages are fully accurate, and thanks to the wonders of version
    control I still have every previous version (save one, which is so
    marked). Not that you care, I'm sure. But it was fun going back through
    the past ten years of Debuggit's history.

    "DEBUG" is a constant (similar to "use constant") which holds your
    current debugging level. Because it's implemented using constant
    folding, any conditional based on it will actually be removed during
    compile-time if the debugging level isn't high enough (or turned off
    completely). For instance, this code:

        calculate_complex_stuff(1..10_000) if DEBUG >= 2;

    would disappear entirely if "DEBUG" is set to 0, or to 1. Of course,
    being a constant has its own foibles: you can't interpolate it into
    double-quoted strings, and you can't put it in front of a fat comma. See
    constant for full details.

    You "set" "DEBUG" when you use Debuggit:

        use Debuggit(DEBUG => 2);

    Once it's set, you can't change it. You also can't set it from outside
    the code (like, from an environment variable), but that's a feature I'd
    consider adding if people thought it was useful.

    If you want your debugging turned off altogether, you can do this:

        use Debuggit(DEBUG => 0);

    Or you can do this:

        use Debuggit;

    But there's a subtle difference between those last two. In your
    top-level script, there's actually no difference at all. But in a
    module, not setting "DEBUG" doesn't mean "DEBUG" should be zero; rather
    it means it should "inherit" the value of "DEBUG" from the top-level
    script; or, to look at it another way, the value of "DEBUG" from the
    top-level script "falls through" to whatever modules are included by it.

    The definition of "top-level script" (to Debuggit, anyway) is "first
    'use Debuggit' statement that is executed by the Perl compiler." Which
    means you should always put "use Debuggit" before the "use" statements
    for other modules (or at least other modules of yours).

    So typically what you would do is just put "use Debuggit" at the top of
    all your code until you're ready to debug. When you hit a problem,
    change to "use Debuggit(DEBUG => 3)" (or whatever level you feel is
    appropriate), but *only* in the top-level script. Then you get debugging
    info from all your modules with one simple change. Or, if you just
    *know* the problem is in module X, you can enable debugging in that
    module only. Convenient, right?

    This may not work as well as you'd like if you can't figure out *where*
    your top-level script actually is (one great example of that is a
    mod_perl environment). But you can still enable the debugging in each
    module, so it isn't tragic. Just not as convenient.

  debuggit([level =>] arg[, ...])
    debuggit() is the only exported function of Debuggit (except for the
    constant, which is technically a function, but you know what I mean).
    When DEBUG is set to 0, you are guaranteed that "debuggit" is an empty
    function. When DEBUG is non-zero, you are guaranteed that "debuggit"
    will do the equivalent of this:

        sub debuggit
            my $level = $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ? shift : 1;
            if (DEBUG >= $level)
                @_ = process_funcs(@_);
                my $msg = $formatter->(@_);

    meaning that you can override both $formatter and $output, and you can
    add to or subtract from the functions handled by process_funcs().

  [local] $Debuggit::formatter = coderef
    The $formatter variable allows you to override Debuggit's internal
    format function (see above). For instance, something like this:

        $Debuggit::formatter = sub { shift . "\n" . join('', map { "\t$_\n" } @_) };

        my @list = qw< fred sue joe charlie >;
        debuggit("Names:", @list);

    outputs something like this:


    although that seems less useful than the default formatter, in general.
    Or maybe you don't like how Debuggit provides spaces and newlines for

        $Debuggit::formatter = sub { join('', @_) };

    But don't forget that now you've also lost the special handling of
    "undef" and strings with leading or trailing spaces.

    Happily, since $formatter is a variable, you can use "local" to restore
    the previous value at the end of the enclosing block. Better yet, you
    can take advantage of the fact that the default formatter is stored as
    Debuggit::default_formatter() to do clever things like this:

        # add timestamp to debugging (at least for this function/module/whatever)
        local $Debuggit::formatter = sub
            return scalar(localtime) . ': ' . Debuggit::default_formatter(@_);

    or even this:

        # all debugging statements in the current context will show function name
        local $Debuggit::formatter = sub
            # note that caller(0) would be this formatter sub, and
            # caller(1) would be debuggit(), so caller(2) is what we want
            # element 3 is the subroutine name (which includes the package name)
            return (caller(2))[3] . ': ' . Debuggit::default_formatter(@_);

    Note that that last example only handles the simple cases--if your
    debuggit() calls get stuck inside eval's or coderef's or anything like
    that, this breaks down. But often the simple case is close enough.

    Functions are handled before the formatter is called (see "DEBUGGING
    FUNCTIONS"), so any replacement formatter you create doesn't have to
    worry about those.

    The default_formatter() looks *mostly* like this:

        $default_formatter = sub
            return join(' ', map { defined $_ ? $_ : '<<undef>>' } @_) . "\n";

    but see below for full details.

    Before you try to get too terribly fancy with the formatter, you may
    wish to investigate add_func(). A good rule of thumb when trying to
    decide whether you want a new function or a new formatter is this:
    imagine that debuggit() takes a bunch of chunks of text and produces a
    line (which is pretty much what is does). If you want to fiddle with how
    one of those chunks looks, you want a function. If you need to change
    the look of the whole line, though, you need a new formatter.

    If you're more interested in where the formatted output gets sent to,
    look at $output.

    This function is what $formatter (see above) is set to unless (and
    until) you change it. It can also be called from your own formatter
    function (again, see above). Its purpose is to turn the arguments you
    pass "debuggit()" into a formatted line. This line is then sent to the
    function stored in $output.

    The default formatter provides the following conveniences:

    *   A single space is put between separate arguments.

    *   An undefined argument is replaced with the string '<<undef>>'
        (distinguishes undef from an empty string, and avoids unsightly
        "uninitialized variable" warnings).

    *   Any value which has leading or trailing spaces (that is, / +/, not
        /\s+/) has '<<' prepended to it and '>>' appended to it. This allows
        you to easily see (and hopefully accurately count) any such extra

    *   A newline is appended to the formatted line.

    All these features are demonstrated in the "SYNOPSIS".

  [local] $Debuggit::output = coderef
    The $output variable allows you to override Debuggit's internal output
    function (see debuggit()). For instance, something like this:

        local $Debuggit::output = sub { print @_ };

    allows you to print debugging messages to stdout rather than stderr
    (although I'm not sure why you'd want to). Like with $formatter, the use
    of "local" allows you to change the output function temporarily (i.e.
    until the end of the enclosing block).

    Perhaps you want a log file:

        my $log = '/tmp/debug.log';
        $Debuggit::output = sub
            open(LOG, ">>$log") or return;
            print LOG @_;

    (Notice how you have to append to the file, else multiple debuggit()
    calls will just overwrite each other.)

    Note that you don't have to append a newline ($formatter does that). And
    finally note that *not* using "local" sometimes has its advantages: in
    this case, you might put such code in a common header file that all your
    Perl modules call, and the output will be adjusted for all parts of your
    program, regardless of scope. (See "POLICY MODULES" for the best way to
    accomplish that.)

    You could also save to a string:

        our $log_msg;
        local $Debuggit::output = sub { $log_msg .= join('', @_) };

    Again, we're appending. We join all the args together (although most
    formatters will return only one value, probably best not to assume), but
    use no separator. Also note the use of "our"; you probably want that
    rather than a "my" variable.

    The default output function is merely:

        sub { print STDERR @_ };

    Note that this is subtly different from:

        sub { warn @_ };

    in the presence of $SIG{__WARN__} handlers and/or mod_perl.

    When writing debugging statements, you may find yourself doing the same
    operations over and over again. For instance, imagine that you have a
    set of objects that can belong to one of several subclasses. Internally,
    these are stored as hashes (as many objects in Perl are), and each hash
    contains a '_data' key whose value is a hash, which itself contains all
    the interesting bits of data for the object. For debugging purposes, you
    often need to print out the exact type of a given object along with a
    particular data value. You may find yourself writing something like this
    over and over again:

        debuggit("after bmoogling", ref($obj) . '->foo =', $obj->{'_data'}->{'foo'});

    By the time you've typed that exact pattern 20 or 30 times, you may be
    getting tired of it. What if you could do something like this instead?

        debuggit("after bmoogling", OBJDATA => ($obj, 'foo'));

    (Note that the fat comma is not required (see "STYLE"), nor are the
    extra parends around $obj and 'foo'. But they make it more obvious
    what's going on here, in your author's humble opinion.)

    If you could do that, that would be much nicer, yes? Well, you can:

        Debuggit::add_func(OBJDATA => 2, sub
            my ($self, $obj, $data_name) = @_;

            return (ref($obj) . "->$data_name =", $obj->{'_data'}->{$data_name});

    What that's saying is this: Any time "debuggit()" comes across an
    argument consisting of the string 'OBJDATA', it should remove it, plus
    the next 2 arguments, from its argument list; call the coderef given,
    passing it the arguments that were removed; and replace the args it
    removed with the return value of the coderef. This is called a
    "debugging function", or just "function" for short.

    Note that this function returns a two-element list, rather than just
    concatenating it all into one big string. This is so that, if the data
    value happens to be undefined, it will be handled correctly by the
    formatter (see default_formatter(), above).

    A function doesn't have to take any arguments, nor does it have to
    return any. For instance, you could replace this:

        debuggit('=' x 40);
        debuggit("new code section starts here");

    with this:

        debuggit(SEPARATOR => "new code section starts here");

    by defining your function thus:

        Debuggit::add_func(SEPARATOR => 0, sub
            $Debuggit::output->('=' x 40);
            return ();

    Many other clever things can be done. Remember the difference between
    functions and formatters, which is covered above.

  Default Functions
    At present, there is only one debugging function that Debuggit provides
    for you by default:

        debuggit("my hash:", DUMP => \%my_hash);

    This is basically the same as:

        use Data::Dumper;
        debuggit("my hash:", Dumper(\%my_hash));

    with one important exception: instead of loading Data::Dumper via a use
    statement, the DUMP debugging function loads it via a require statement,
    with the happy side-effect that, if debugging is not enabled,
    Data::Dumper is never loaded. Which undoubtedly you don't want it to be
    in your production code (as it can add anywhere from 300Kb to nearly 3Mb
    to your memory footprint).

  Debuggit::add_func(FUNC_NAME => #, sub { ... });
    This adds a new debugging function to the table that Debuggit keeps. The
    first argument is the name of the function; if you pass the name of an
    existing function, it is replaced silently. The second argument is the
    number of arguments that the function takes. The final argument is the
    coderef for the function itself.

    Any time debuggit() finds an argument which exactly matches a function
    name, it removes that argument, and a number of following arguments
    matching the number passed to add_func(). If that number of args exceeds
    the number remaining in debuggit()'s argument list, it will happily fill
    any gaps with undef values without notifying you (or even noticing, for
    that matter). It then passes the total list of arguments removed
    (*including* the function name!) to the coderef passed to add_func(),
    calling it in list context. Finally, it takes the list returned from the
    coderef and inserts it back into debuggit()'s argument list at the point
    at which the arguments were removed. Basically, inside debuggit(), it
    does the equivalent of this:

        $n = $func_name_being_checked_for;
        $i = $point_at_which_func_name_found;
        splice @_, $i, $funcs{$n}->{'num_args'} + 1, $funcs{$n}->{'coderef'}->(@_[$i..$i+$funcs{$n}->{'num_args'}]);

    except hopefully more efficiently.

    The name of the function is passed in so that you can do excessively
    clever things such as:

        my $print_config = sub
            my ($self, $value) = @_;
            return ("Config ${self}->$value is", $CONFIG->{$self}->{$value});
        Debuggit::add_func($_ => 1, $print_config) foreach qw< FOO BAR BAZ BMOOGLE >;

    But do remember that excessive cleverness often leads to nightmarish
    maintenance, so caveat codor.

    Since debuggit() is just doing a simple string comparison on its
    arguments to find functions, this means that you can't actually print
    out that string unless you embed it within another argument. So,
    assuming the default functions are still in place:

        use Debuggit (DEBUG => 2);
        my $test = {};
        debuggit(2 => "test is", DUMP => $test);        # calls function, as expected
        debuggit(2 => "i like to", 'DUMP', "stuff");    # calls function (possibly not expected)
        debuggit(2 => "i like to", 'DUMP ', "stuff");   # doesn't call function, but prints "<<DUMP >>"
        debuggit(2 => "i like to DUMP stuff");          # no issues here
        my $value = 'DUMP';
        debuggit(2 => "value is", $value, "in foo()");  # calls function(!!!)

    That last one is particularly worrisome, but there's not much to be done
    about it, except to try to choose names for functions that you feel
    confident aren't going to show up as arguments to debuggit(), or else
    don't use debugging functions at all. Personally I find that as long as
    I use all caps for function names, and implement only the most necessary
    functions, it really isn't a problem.

    This just removes the given debugging function. Default functions are
    not special in any way, so those can be removed just as others can:


    So, let's say you've started using some of Debuggit's more advanced
    features, such as setting formatters, or adding debugging functions,
    except that now you're putting the same lines of code at the top of
    every one of your Perl modules:

        use Debuggit;
        $Debuggit::formatter = sub { return scalar(localtime) . ': ' . Debuggit::default_formatter(@_) };
        $Debuggit::output = sub { warn @_ };        # because I use $SIG{__WARN__}
        Debuggit::add_func(CONFIG => 1, sub { my ($self, $var) = $_; return "$self var $var is $Config->{$var}" });

    Whew! A bit verbose, eh? Would be nice if we could centralize that

    Okay, try this:

        package MyDebuggit;

        use Debuggit ();            # don't let Debuggit import here, or you'll get redeclaration errors

        $Debuggit::formatter = sub { return scalar(localtime) . ': ' . Debuggit::default_formatter(@_) };
        $Debuggit::output = sub { warn @_ };        # because I use $SIG{__WARN__}
        Debuggit::add_func(CONFIG => 1, sub { my ($self, $var) = $_; return "$self var $var is $Config->{$var}" });

        sub import
            my $class = shift;
            Debuggit->import(PolicyModule => 1, @_);

    The 'PolicyModule' argument to Debuggit::import() just tells it to
    install DEBUG and debuggit() one level higher than usual, so that your
    caller (not you) gets all that debuggity goodness. Now you can just:

        use MyDebuggit;

    or, similarly:

        use MyDebuggit(DEBUG => 2);

    and you're all set.

    This is a pretty simple module, but there are still a couple of
    different ways to do things. Here are my personal thoughts as to the
    pluses and minuses of the following alternative styles. You, of course,
    may feel free to disagree: that's what keeps the world a wonderful

    First, there's the difference between these two:

        debuggit("here I am!") if DEBUG >= 2;
        debuggit(2 => "here I am!");

    Personally I prefer #2, but please see important information below under
    "PERFORMANCE". Functionally, they are the same ... when debugging is on.
    However, here's an interesting thing that tripped me up recently:

        debuggit(4 => "row is", join(':', @$row));

    As you might guess from the names, this was in a tight loop that
    processed each row coming back from a database. What I hadn't considered
    was that, even when debugging was totally off, it was still doing that
    join() call for every row of data, then passing the results to an empty
    function. In this case, the equivalent:

        debuggit("row is", join(':', @$row)) if DEBUG >= 4;

    really was significantly better (again, see "PERFORMANCE" for why).

    Assuming you went with #2 above, you then have to decide between these

        debuggit(2 => "here I am!");
        debuggit(2, "here I am!");

    I strongly recommend the first one. To me, #2 just looks like it will
    print "2 here I am!", which it won't. #1 is using the fat comma to
    offset the debugging level from the debugging arguments, and that seems
    to me to be a Good Thing(tm).

    How about a similar choice for functions?

        debuggit("here's my big structure", DUMP => $struct);
        debuggit("here's my big structure", 'DUMP', $struct);

    My objections to #2 are the same: it looks like "DUMP" is part of the
    debugging output, and it isn't. For me, the fat comma in a "debuggit"
    arg list is basically an indication that whatever precedes it is not
    something to be printed, but rather some message to "debuggit" itself to
    do something special.

    On the other hand, don't fall into the trap of thinking that every time
    you use a fat comma debuggit() is going to know that you don't want to
    print the thing that precedes it. For instance, this:

        debuggit("this is not a func", hey => "even though it looks like one");
        # unless you defined a func named 'hey', of course
        # but don't do that; you should use all caps for func names

    Remember, the fat comma is still just a comma; debuggit() has no way to
    tell from its argument list whether you used a fat comma or not. Use =>
    as a sign to your *readers* that you're using a debugging level or a
    debugging function, not as a sign to debuggit() itself.

    The last thing you have to decide is how to define your "levels" of
    debugging. You don't have to, of course. You can just have one level,
    effectively, and have your debugging be either on or off. But you will
    probably find that it's convenient to gradually crank up the debugging
    level when you're trying to find that elusive problem. The lower level
    that you can set it to, the less debugging crap you have to wade through
    to find what you're looking for.

    So it makes sense to have various levels of debugging, and it makes
    sense to have them make sense. Decide on what's best for your project
    (which may just be what's best for you, or might involve coming to a
    concensus with your coworkers) and publish that in a comment somewhere
    so everyone has the same expectations. And then be consistent.

    How many levels should you use? Well, the quite excellent Log::Log4perl
    has 6, and they're named instead of numbered, so that you know what to
    use each level for. It also contains this very curious statement:

        Neither does anyone need more logging levels than these predefined ones.
        If you think you do, I would suggest you look into steering your logging
        behaviour via the category mechanism.

    No offense to Log4perl's author, but I always found this statement to be
    a bit ... well, snooty, to put it mildly. My personal view is, who am I
    to say how many levels you need? or what you want to use them for?
    Consequently, I have given you the range of positive integers to play
    with, and you can assign whatever meanings you like to them. But with
    great power comes great responsibility, and if you don't define what
    your levels are *somewhere* in your code, those who come after you will
    inevitably curse your name.

    One last caution: You may want to define constants for your debugging
    levels, like so:

        use constant QUIET => 1;
        use constant SOFTER => 2;
        use constant LOUDER => 3;
        use constant LITTLE_BIT_LOUDER_NOW => 4;
        # and so forth

    And then you may think you're going to use them like so:

        debuggit(LOUDER => "this is not going to print what you think");

    (Unless you think it's going to print "LOUDER this is not going to print
    what you think", in which case you'd be absolutely right.) Remember that
    the fat comma autoquotes whatever comes before it, which deconstantifies
    your identifier there. You'll have to settle on one of these:

        debuggit(LOUDER, "this works fine");
        debuggit(LOUDER() => "as does this");

    Or, alternatively, don't use "constant" and use something like
    Const::Fast instead:

        constant our $QUIET => 1;
        constant our $SOFTER => 2;
        constant our $LOUDER => 3;
        constant our $LITTLE_BIT_LOUDER_NOW => 4;
        # and so forth

        debuggit($LOUDER => "this one works fine too");

    Personally your humble author, while preferring to use constants most of
    the time, doesn't actually use them for debugging levels. Possibly
    because the levels are already abstract representations as opposed to
    actual numbers.

    So is calling debuggit completely free? Well, yes and no.

    If you use this style:

        debuggit("here I am!") if DEBUG >= 2;

    then, assuming DEBUG is set to 0 (or 1, even), it is indeed 100% free.
    In fact, the test suite actually uses B::Deparse to insure that the
    above statement produces no actual code when "DEBUG == 0", and if you
    happen to have Gtop installed (which I believe would mean that you would
    have to happen to be running under Linux), the test suite will also
    verify that "use Debuggit" does not add anything to your program's
    memory footprint.

    This style, however:

        debuggit(2 => "here I am!");

    is slightly more problematic. Unfortunately, without using a source
    filter (which is a possibility for a future version, although it would
    be strictly optional), there just isn't any way that I can see to
    eliminate that call. (Unless maybe it could be done with something like
    "optimizer" or "Devel::Declare", but I fear that may be beyond my meager
    Perl hacking ability ... patches welcome!)

    So if you prefer that second style (as does your humble author), then
    what you end up with is a guarantee that your "debuggit" calls will
    resolve to calls to empty functions, which take a very small (but
    positive) amount of time. Probably you will never notice them, as
    whatever actual work you are doing will certainly overwhelm any time
    spent on calling empty functions, but I definitely can't state with
    confidence that it will never have any impact on your application. And
    don't forget that Perl still has to process your arguments in order to
    call the empty function: if one of your args to debuggit is a function
    call, it gets called even when debugging is off. So, if any of that
    worries you, don't do that. Use the first style and then you're covered.

    So the short answer is, the second style is more compact and potentially
    more legible. But the first style is safer in terms of minimizing
    performance impact. However, I do hope that one day I can update this
    module with further options which can make the second style just as
    efficient. Hopefully this gives you the information you need to choose
    what's right for you.

    How does Debuggit compare with similar modules?

    Probably its most well-known competitor would be Log::Log4perl. However,
    Log4perl is really a full-featured logger, which handles errors,
    warnings, and much much more ... debugging is only a small part of what
    Log4perl does. If you *need* Log4perl, you may well want to stick with
    that and ignore Debuggit. Debuggit is mainly for when you need much less
    than what Log4perl provides. That having been said, one advantage of
    Debuggit over Log4perl is that Log4perl provides only 2 levels of
    debugging (debug and trace), while Debuggit provides as many as you
    like. Of course, some may consider that a *dis*advantage, but I mention
    it for completeness.

    Log4perl is also designed to actually *run* in your code even in
    production mode, whereas Debuggit is designed to disappear after
    debugging is over. For that reason, you may actually find a use for both
    alongside each other. Go for it, you crazy kids.

    More similar to Debuggit are debug (by the author of the quite excellent
    Moose), Debug, Debug::Message, and Debug::EchoMessage. All these have
    similar features to Debuggit, but none have as many. To be fair, some
    have features that Debuggit doesn't. I've put together a comparison
    matrix for you, but please remember that this is based on my reading of
    the documentation for these modules. I have neither used any of them nor
    looked at their source code extensively, so my comparison could be

    I've included a few other debugging modules that I ran across as well.
    Several of these latter modules are designed to be used as part of a
    larger distribution, but *could* be used separately, and offer similar
    functionality to Debuggit, so I threw them in there. What the heck.

        d   == debug
        D   == Debug
        DM  == Debug::Message
        DEM == Debug::EchoMessage
        PTD == PTools::Debug
        KD  == Konstrukt::Debug
        BD  == Blosxom::Debug
        NXD == Net::XMPP::Debug

        Feature                                    | Debuggit | d | D | DM | DEM | LCD | PTD | BD | KD | NXD |
        DEBUG constant                             |     X    | X |   |    |     |  X  |     |    |    |     |
        output function                            |     X    | X | X | X  |  X  |  X  |  X  | X  | X  |  X  |
          override formatting                      |     X    | X |   |    |     |     |     |    |    |     |
          override where output goes               |     X    | X |   | X  |     |     |     |    |    |     |
          override them separately                 |     X    |   |   |    |     |     |     |    |    |     |
          handles undefined values                 |     X    |   |   |    |     |     |     |    |    |     |
          handles vars w/ leading/trailing spaces  |     X    |   |   |    |     |     |     |    |    |     |
          can print color messages                 |          |   |   | X  |     |  X  |     |    |    |     |
          can specify indent level                 |          |   |   | X  |  X  |     |  X  |    |    |     |
          custom formatting functions              |     X    |   |   |    |     |     |     |    |    |     |
        multiple debugging levels                  |     X    |   |   | X  |  X  |  X  |  X  | X  | X  |  X  |
          levels are effectively unlimited         |     X    |   |   | X  |  X  |  X  |  X  | X  |    |  X  |
          can specify levels as arbitrary strings  |          |   |   |    |     |  X  |     |    |    |     |
        has OO interface                           |          | X | X | X  |  X  |     |  X  |    | X  |  X  |
          OO interface is optional                 |          | X |   |    |     |     |     |    |    |     |
        is self-contained (no dependencies)        |     X    | X | X |    |  X  |  X  |     | X  |    |     |
          doesn't come bundled with other modules  |     X    | X | X | X  |  X  |  X  |     | X  |    |     |
        control from outside module to be debugged |     X    | X |   |    |     |  X  |     |    |    |     |
          fallthrough from top level script        |     X    |   |   |    |     |     |     |    |    |     |
          arbitrary control by module name         |          | X |   |    |     |     |     |    |    |     |
          arbitrary control by package variable    |          |   |   |    |     |  X  |     |    |    |     |

    There are, of course, additional considerations in terms of coding
    style, which may or may not be important to you. Also, at least one
    (Blosxom::Debug) uses source filtering, which you may or may not object

    None that I know of. However, lacking omniscience, I welcome bug

        Buddy Burden
        Barefoot Software

    This program is free software licensed under

        The Artistic License

    The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
    with this module.

    This module is copyright (c) 2008-2011, Barefoot Software. It has many
    venerable ancestors (some more direct than others), including but not
    limited to:

    *   "Barefoot::debug", (c) 2000-2006 Barefoot Software, 2004-2006

    *   "Barefoot::base", (c) 2001-2006 Barefoot Software

    *   "Geek::Dev::Debug", (c) 2004 ThinkGeek

    *   "VCtools::Base", (c) 2004-2008 Barefoot Software, 2004 ThinkGeek

    *   "Barefoot", (c) 2006-2009 Barefoot Software

    *   "Company::Debug", (c) 2008

    perl(1), Log::Log4perl, debug, Debug, Debug::Message,