DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql::Retryable - MySQL-specific DBIC
    storage engine with retry support


    version v1.0.1


        package MySchema;
        # Recommended
        # Optional settings (defaults shown)
        my $storage_class = 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql::Retryable';
        $storage_class->timer_options({});           # same defaults as the timer class


    This storage engine for DBIx::Class is a MySQL-specific engine that
    will explicitly retry on MySQL-specific transient error messages, as
    identified by DBIx::ParseError::MySQL, using
    Algorithm::Backoff::RetryTimeouts as its retry algorithm. This engine
    should be much better at handling deadlocks, connection errors, and
    Galera node flips to ensure the transaction always goes through.

 How Retryable Works

    A DBIC command triggers some sort of connection to the MySQL server to
    send SQL. First, Retryable makes sure the connection mysql_*_timeout
    values (except mysql_read_timeout unless "aggressive_timeouts" is set)
    are set properly. (The default settings for RetryTimeouts will use half
    of the maximum duration, with some jitter.) If the connection was
    successful, a few SET SESSION commands for timeouts are sent first:

        wait_timeout   # only with aggressive_timeouts=1

    If the DBIC command fails at any point in the process, and the error is
    a recoverable failure (according to the error parsing class), the retry
    process starts.

    The timeouts are only checked during the retry handler. Since DB
    operations are XS calls, Perl-style "safe" ALRM signals won't do any
    good, and the engine won't attempt to use unsafe ones. Thus, the engine
    relies on the server to honor the timeouts set during each attempt, and
    will give up if it runs out of time or attempts.

    If the DBIC command succeeds during the process, program flow resumes
    as normal. If any re-attempts happened during the DBIC command, the
    timeouts are reset back to the original post-connection values.



    Class used to parse MySQL error messages.

    Default is DBIx::ParseError::MySQL. If a different class is used, it
    must support a similar interface, especially the is_transient method.


    Algorithm class used to determine timeout and sleep values during the
    retry process.

    Default is Algorithm::Backoff::RetryTimeouts. If a different class is
    used, it must support a similar interface, including the dual return of
    the failure method.


    Options to pass to the timer algorithm constructor, as a hashref.

    Default is an empty hashref, which would retain all of the defaults of
    the algorithm module.


    Boolean that controls whether to use some of the more aggressive,
    query-unfriendly timeouts:


      Controls the timeout for all read operations. Since SQL queries in
      the middle of sending its first set of row data are still considered
      to be in a read operation, those queries could time out during those

      If you're confident that you don't have any SQL statements that would
      take longer than R/2 (or at least returning results before that
      time), you can turn this option on. Otherwise, you may experience
      longer-running statements going into a retry death spiral until they
      finally hit the Retryable timeout for good and die.


      Controls how long the MySQL server waits for activity from the
      connection before timing out. While most applications are going to be
      using the database connection pretty frequently, the MySQL default (8
      hours) is much much longer than the mere seconds this engine would
      set it to.

    Default is off. Obviously, this setting only makes sense with
    "retryable_timeout" turned on.


    Boolean that controls whether to warn on retryable failures, as the
    engine encounters them. Many applications don't want spam on their
    screen for recoverable conditions, but this may be useful for debugging
    or CLI tools.

    Unretryable failures always generate an exception as normal, regardless
    of the setting.

    This is functionally equivalent to "PrintError" in DBI, but since
    "RaiseError" is already the DBIC-required default, the former option
    can't be used within DBI.

    Default is off.


    Boolean that enables the Retryable logic. This can be turned off to
    temporarily disable it, and revert to DBIC's basic "retry once if
    disconnected" default. This may be useful if a process is already using
    some other retry logic (like DBIx::OnlineDDL).

    Messing with this setting in the middle of a database action would not
    be wise.

    Default is on.



        my $val = $schema->storage->dbh_do(
            sub {
                my ($storage, $dbh, @binds) = @_;
                $dbh->selectrow_array($sql, undef, @binds);

    This is very much like "dbh_do" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI, except it
    doesn't require a connection failure to retry the sub block. Instead,
    it will also retry on locks, query interruptions, and failovers.

    Normal users of DBIC typically won't use this method directly. Instead,
    any ResultSet or Result method that contacts the DB will send its SQL
    through here, and protect it from retryable failures.

    However, this method is recommended over using $schema->storage->dbh
    directly to run raw SQL statements.


        my $val = $schema->txn_do(
            sub {
                # ...DBIC calls within transaction...

    Works just like "txn_do" in DBIx::Class::Storage, except it's now
    protected against retryable failures.

    Calling this method through the $schema object is typically more


        $storage->throw_exception('It failed');

    Works just like "throw_exception" in DBIx::Class::Storage, but also
    reports attempt and timer statistics, in case the transaction was tried
    multiple times.


 Transactions without txn_do

    Retryable is transaction-safe. Only the outermost transaction depth
    gets the retry protection, since that's the only layer that is
    idempotent and atomic.

    However, transaction commands like txn_begin and txn_scope_guard are
    NOT granted retry protection, because DBIC/Retryable does not have a
    defined transaction-safe code closure to use upon reconnection. Only
    txn_do will have the protections available.

    For example:

        # Has retry protetion
        my $rs = $schema->resultset('Foo');
        # This effectively turns off retry protection
        # NOT protected from retryable errors!
        my $result = $rs->create({bar => 12});
        $result->update({baz => 42});
        # Retry protection is back on
        # Do this instead!
        $schema->txn_do(sub {
            my $result = $rs->create({bar => 12});
            $result->update({baz => 42});
        # Still has retry protection

    All of this behavior mimics how DBIC's original storage engines work.

 (Ab)using $dbh directly

    Similar to txn_begin, directly accessing and using a DBI database or
    statement handle does NOT grant retry protection, even if they are
    acquired from the storage engine via $storage->dbh.

    Instead, use "dbh_do". This method is also used by DBIC for most of its
    active DB calls, after it has composed a proper SQL statement to run.


    DBIx::Connector::Retry::MySQL - A similar engine for DBI connections,
    using DBIx::Connector::Retry as a base.

    DBIx::Class::Storage::BlockRunner - Base module in DBIC that controls
    how transactional coderefs are ran and retried


    Grant Street Group <>


    This software is Copyright (c) 2021 - 2022 by Grant Street Group.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)