Chart::Graph - Perl extension for a front-end to gnuplot, XRT, and

     # EXAMPLE: gnuplot
     #make sure to include Chart::Graph
     use Chart::Graph:Gnuplot qw(gnuplot);

     gnuplot(\%global_options, [\%data_set_options, \@matrix],
                               [\%data_set_options, \@x_column, \@y_column],
                               [\%data_set_options, < filename >], ... );

     # EXAMPLE: Xmgrace
     #make sure to include Chart::Graph
     use Chart::Graph::Xmgrace qw(xmgrace);
     xmgrace(\%global_options, [\%data_set_options, \@matrix],
                               [\%data_set_options, \@x_column, \@y_column],
                               [\%data_set_options, < filename >], ... );

     # EXAMPLE: xrt2d
     #make sure to include Chart::Graph
     use Chart::Graph::Xrt2d qw(xrt2d);

     xrt2d(\%options, \@data_set);

     #say for example we have a 3 by 4 matrix -> dataxy
           [[data11, data12, data13, data14],
           [data21, data22, data23, data24],
           [data31, data32, data33, data34]])

     # EXAMPLE: xrt3d
     #make sure to include Chart::Graph
     use Chart::Graph::Xrt3d qw(xrt3d);

     xrt3d(\%options, \@data_set);

     #say for example we have a 3 by 4 matrix -> dataxy
           [[data11, data12, data13, data14],
           [data21, data22, data23, data24],
           [data31, data32, data33, data34]])

     use Chart::Graph; is a wrapper module that allows easy generation of graphs
    within perl. Currently supports three graphing packages,
    gnuplot, XRT, and Xmgrace. These software packages must be obtained
    separately from this Perl module. Information on each graphing package
    and it's availability is provided in the documentation on that module.
    Gnuplot and Xmgrace are freely available software pages for UNIX
    systems. XRT is a commercial product.

    Currently the xrt3d and xrt2d package is not being supported, although
    it works. It is still in the development stage. Feel free to give it a
    try though.

    Because Chart-Graph is a wrapper script, you need to install the graphic
    package that you wish to use before attempting to install Unless the appropriate graphics software is installed,
    the testing portions of the install will fail.

    If you want to use the xrt2d/xrt3d package, you need to build the
    respective "graph" binaries in the xrt2d/xrt3d directories. Refer to the
    README files in the xrt2d and xrt3d directories for instructions on
    creating the required binaries. use the standard Perl module installation procedure. To
    install on your system you need to run:

             perl Makefile.PL
             make test
             make install

    The standard Perl options apply. For example you can specify the
    location of you Perl Installation by the option:
    `PREFIX=/home/your/private/dir'. Which results modifying the first
    command as follows:

             perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/your/private/dir

    Running the Makefile.PL Perl script mades some additional preparation
    before creating the the Makefile. In particular, the script sets up the
    testing routines for the various graphics modules.

            Enter (space separated) graphing drivers to test: [gnuplot xrt3d xrt2d xmgrace]

    Enter the names of the graphical software packages that you have
    installed. The others will be ignored even if Chart-Graph will appear to
    "test" them. If you are using Xmgrace or XRT there are additional
    options you will need to supply. In order to permit Xmgrace to perform
    its test without using the X server you should provide a path to a X
    virtual frame buffer.

            Enter path to X virtual frame buffer(Xvfb):

    Finally, If you are running XRT, you need to provide that path to the
    XRT binaries:

            Enter path to xrt2d binary (built from xrt2d/):

    Note that running the tests will create image files that are placed in
    the directory test_results. These images are almost all identical with
    the examples provided with the documentation and can be used to check if
    there are subtile errors in your image creation software.

    Chart::Graph attempts as much as possible to provide a uniform interface
    to these different graphics packages. Unfortunately, the functionality
    of each program is sufficiently different that the interface cannot be
    entirely uniform.


    Currently Chart::Graph supports two levels of debug, `0' (no debug msgs)
    and `1'(debug msgs). You need to set the `$Chart::Graph::debug' flag
    accordingly. If you are having problems with set the debug flag
    to `1'. Also will check `$ENV{TMPDIR}' for the temporary file
    storage. If you do not specify, it will be set to /tmp automatically.
    Temporary files can also be saved for further debugging purposes by
    setting `$Chart::Graph::save_tmpfiles' flag accordingly, `0' (no tmp
    files saved) or `1' (save tmp files specified in `$ENV{TMPDIR)' or /tmp
    by default)

    Note: Currently, XRT and Xmgrace use the local x server to draw it's
    graphics by default. With XRT, if you are having problems with color or
    speed is an issue, set `$Chart::Graph::use_xvbf' to `1' to use the
    virtual x frame buffer. With Xmgrace, you MUST set
    `$Chart::Graph::use_xvbf' to `1' if you are not using a local x server.

    All the documentation is also provided in HTML with the sample graphic
    files for are located in the doc directory.

CONTENT SUMMARY        - top level file of Chart::Graph
     Graph/          - sub modules of Chart::Graph
     Graph/Xmgrace/  - sub modules of Chart::Graph::Xmgrace
     doc/            - documentation in HTML 
     xrt2d/          - xrt2d wrapper executable code
     xrt3d/          - xrt3d wrapper executable code   - the test script used for debugging

    For more information on gnuplot, please see the gnuplot web page:

    For more information on Xmgrace, please see the Xmgrace web page:

    For more information on XRT, please contact Sitraka:

    Send email to is you have problems, questions, or
    comments. To subscribe to the mailing list send mail to with a body of "subscribe"

     CAIDA Perl development team (
