NAME Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::Facebook - Facebook authentication for Catalyst SYNOPSIS In use Catalyst qw/ Authentication Session Session::Store::FastMmap Session::State::Cookie Facebook /; MyApp->config( "Plugin::Authentication" => { default_realm => "facebook", realms => { 'facebook' => { credential => { class => "Facebook", }, }, }, }, ); And then in your Controller: sub login : Local { my ($self, $c) = @_; if (my $user = $c->authenticate(undef,'facebook')) { # user is logged in - redirect or do something } else { # user has no account in your system # detect Facebook credentials and create an account # or do comething else } } DESCRIPTION This module handles Facebook Platform authentication in a Catalyst application. METHODS As per guidelines of Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication, there are two mandatory methods, "new" and "authenticate". new() Will not be called by you directly, but will use the configuration you provide (see above). WWW::Facebook::API is required, but we also suggest you install Catalyst::Plugin::Facebook for ultimate Facebook integration after the user is authenticated. authenticate( ) Handles the authentication. Nothing more, nothing less. It returns a Catalyst::Authentication::User::Hash (this is a user object from your database - the user table should have a column called "facebook_id", which the authenticated Facebook user is checked against) AUTHOR Jesse Stay <> <> COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. SEE ALSO Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication, WWW::Facebook::API BUGS "Bugs? Impossible!". Please report bugs to < dential-Facebook> THANKS Special thanks to David Romano and Clayton Scott for writing and maintaining WWW::Facebook::API