NAME CSS::Struct::Output::Indent::AnsiColor - Indent printing 'CSS::Struct' structure to CSS code with ansi color output. SYNOPSIS use CSS::Struct::Output::Indent::AnsiColor; my $css = CSS::Struct::Output::Indent::AnsiColor->new(%parameters); my $ret_or_undef = $css->flush($reset_flag); $css->put(@data); $css->reset; METHODS "new" my $css = CSS::Struct::Output::Indent::AnsiColor->new(%parameters); Constructor. Returns instance of object. * "auto_flush" Auto flush flag. Default is 0. * "comment_delimeters" Reference to array with begin and end comment delimeter. Default value is ['/*', '*/']. Possible values are: - ['/*', '*/'] - ['<!--', '-->'], * "next_indent" Indent string. Default value is TAB. * "output_handler" Handler for print output strings. Must be a GLOB. Default is undef. * "skip_bad_types" Flag, that means bad 'CSS::Struct' types skipping. Default value is 0. * "skip_comments" Flag, that means comment skipping. Default value is 0. "flush" my $ret_or_undef = $css->flush($reset_flag); Flush CSS structure in object. If defined 'output_handler' flush to its. Or return CSS. If enabled $reset_flag, then resets internal variables via reset method. Returns output string or undef. "put(@data)" $css->put(@data); Put CSS structure in format specified in CSS::Struct. Returns undef. "reset" $css->reset; Resets internal variables. Returns undef. ERRORS From CSS::Struct::Output: Auto-flush can't use without output handler. Bad comment delimeters. Bad data. Bad number of arguments. ('CSS::Struct' structure array), Bad type of data. Cannot write to output handler. No opened selector. Output handler is bad file handler. Unknown parameter '%s'. EXAMPLE use strict; use warnings; use CSS::Struct::Output::Indent::AnsiColor; my $css = CSS::Struct::Output::Indent::AnsiColor->new( 'output_handler' => \*STDOUT, ); $css->put(['c', 'Nice selector.']); $css->put(['a', '@import', 'file.css']); $css->put(['s', 'selector#id']); $css->put(['s', 'div div']); $css->put(['s', '.class']); $css->put(['s', 'p.class']); $css->put(['d', 'weight', '100px']); $css->put(['d', 'font-size', '10em']); $css->put(['d', '--border-color', 'hsl(0, 0%, 83%)']); $css->put(['e']); $css->flush; print "\n"; # Output (in colors): DEPENDENCIES CSS::Struct::Output, Indent, Readonly. SEE ALSO CSS::Struct Struct oriented CSS manipulation. CSS::Struct::Output Base class for CSS::Struct::Output::*. CSS::Struct::Output::Raw Raw printing 'CSS::Struct' structure to CSS code. CSS::Struct::Output::Indent Indent printing 'CSS::Struct' structure to CSS code. REPOSITORY < or> AUTHOR Michal Josef Å paÄek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2021 Michal Josef Å paÄek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01