NAME Archive::Any - Single interface to deal with file archives. SYNOPSIS use Archive::Any; my $archive = Archive::Any->new($archive_file); my @files = $archive->files; $archive->extract; my $type = $archive->type; $archive->is_impolite; $archive->is_naughty; DESCRIPTION This module is a single interface for manipulating different archive formats. Tarballs, zip files, etc. new my $archive = Archive::Any->new($archive_file); my $archive = Archive::Any->new($archive_file, $type); $type is optional. It lets you force the file type in-case Archive::Any can't figure it out. extract $archive->extract; $archive->extract($directory); Extracts the files in the archive to the given $directory. If no $directory is given, it will go into the current working directory. files my @file = $archive->files; A list of files in the archive. mime_type my $mime_type = $archive->mime_type(); Returns the mime type of the archive. is_impolite my $is_impolite = $archive->is_impolite; Checks to see if this archive is going to unpack into the current directory rather than create its own. is_naughty my $is_naughty = $archive->is_naughty; Checks to see if this archive is going to unpack outside the current directory. DEPRECATED type my $type = $archive->type; Returns the type of archive. This method is provided for backwards compatibility in the Tar and Zip plugins and will be going away soon in favor of "mime_type". PLUGINS For detailed information on writing plugins to work with Archive::Any, please see the pod documentation for Archive::Any::Plugin. AUTHOR Clint Moore <> AUTHOR EMERITUS Michael G Schwern SEE ALSO Archive::Any::Plugin SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Archive::Any You can also look for information at: * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * RT: CPAN's request tracker <> * Search CPAN <> LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See <>