NAME pureproxy - Pure Perl HTTP proxy server SYNOPSIS pureproxy --host= --port=5000 --workers=10 --server Starlight pureproxy --traffic-log=traffic.log --traffic-log-body-eol='|' pureproxy --access-log=access.log pureproxy --other-plackup-options pureproxy -v http_proxy=http://localhost:5000/ lwp-request -m get https_proxy=http://localhost:5000/ lwp-request -m get DESCRIPTION This is pure-Perl HTTP proxy server which can be run on almost every Perl installation. It uses thrall pre-threading HTTP server if Perl supports threads or starlight pre-forking HTTP server otherwise. It supports SSL and TLS if IO::Socket::SSL is installed and IPv6 if IO::Socket::IP is installed. It can be fat-packed and then run with any system with standard Perl interpreter without installing other packages. See examples directory for fat-packed version of PureProxy script. PureProxy is an application that accepts arguments of plackup binary and HTTP servers like thrall or starlight. INSTALLATION With cpanm(1) cpanm App::PureProxy Directly lwp-request -m get | sh or curl -qsSL | sh or wget --quiet -O- | sh OPTIONS --access-log Specifies the pathname of a file where the access log should be written. By default, in the development environment access logs will go to STDERR. See plackup. (default: none) --daemonize Makes the process run in the background. It doesn't work (yet) in native Windows (MSWin32). (default: 0) -E, --env Specifies the environment option. See plackup. (default: "deployment") --error-log Specify the pathname of a file where the error log should be written. This enables you to still have access to the errors when using --daemonize. (default: none) --group Changes the group ids or group names that the server should switch to after binding to the port. The ids or names can be separated with commas or space characters. (default: none) -o, --host Binds to a TCP interface. Defaults to undef, which lets most server backends bind to the any (*) interface. This option is only valid for servers which support TCP sockets. -I Specifies Perl library include paths, like perl's -I option. You may add multiple paths by using this option multiple times. See plackup. --ipv6 Enables IPv6 support. The IO::Socket::IP module is required. (default: 1 if IO::Socket::IP is available or 0 otherwise) --keepalive-timeout Timeout for persistent connections. (default: 2) -L, --loader Starlet changes the default loader to Delayed to make lower consumption of the children and prevent problems with shared IO handlers. It might be set to Plack::Loader to restore the default loader. -M Loads the named modules before loading the app's code. You may load multiple modules by using this option multiple times. See plackup. (default: none) --main-process-delay The Starlight nor Thrall do not synchronize their processes and require a small delay in main process so it doesn't consume all CPU. (default: 0.1) --max-keepalive-reqs Max. number of requests allowed per single persistent connection. If set to one, persistent connections are disabled. (default: 1) --max-reqs-per-child Max. number of requests to be handled before a worker process exits. (default: 1000) --max-workers A number of worker threads. (default: 50) --min-reqs-per-child If set, randomizes the number of requests handled by a single worker process between the value and that supplied by --max-reqs-per-chlid. (default: none) -p, --port Binds to a TCP port. Defaults to 5000. This option is only valid for servers which support TCP sockets. Note: default port 5000 may conflict with AirPlay server on MacOS 12 (Monterey) or later. --pid Specify the pid file path. Use it with -D|--daemonize option. (default: none) -q, --quiet Suppress the message about starting a server. -r, --reload Makes plackup restart the server whenever a file in your development directory changes. See plackup. (default: none) -R, --Reload Makes plackup restart the server whenever a file in any of the given directories changes. See plackup. (default: none) --socket Enables UNIX socket support. The IO::Socket::UNIX module is required. The socket file has to be not yet created. The first character @ or \0 in the socket file name means that an abstract socket address will be created. (default: none) --spawn-interval If set, worker processes will not be spawned more than once every given second. Also, when SIGHUP is being received, no more than one worker process will be collected every given second. This feature is useful for doing a "slow restart". (default: none) --ssl Enables SSL support. The IO::Socket::SSL module is required. (default: 0) --ssl-ca-file Specifies the path to the SSL CA certificate file which will be a part of server's certificate chain. (default: none) --ssl-cert-file Specifies the path to the SSL certificate file. (default: none) --ssl-client-ca-file Specifies the path to the SSL CA certificate file for client verification. (default: none) --ssl-key-file Specifies the path to the SSL key file. (default: none) --ssl-verify-mode Specifies the verification mode for the client certificate. See "SSL_verify_mode" in IO::Socket::SSL for details. (default: 0) --timeout Seconds until timeout. (default: 300) --traffic-log Enables Plack::Middleware::TrafficLog middleware that logs detailed information about headers and the body. If the filename is providen then middleware writes to this file. Standard output is used otherwise. --traffic-log-body-eol Sets the line separator for message's body for log generated by Plack::Middleware::TrafficLog middleware. --umask Changes file mode creation mask. The "umask" in perlfunc is an octal number representing disabled permissions bits for newly created files. It is usually 022 when a group shouldn't have permission to write or 002 when a group should have permission to write. (default: none) --user Changes the user id or user name that the server process should switch to after binding to the port. The pid file, error log or unix socket also are created before changing privileges. This option is usually used if the main process is started with root privileges because binding to the low-numbered (<1024) port. (default: none) ENVIRONMENT PUREPROXY_SERVER Changes the default PSGI server. This is Thrall if Perl supports threads and Starlight otherwise. SEE ALSO BUGS This tool has unstable features and can change in future. AUTHOR Piotr Roszatycki <> LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015, 2023-2024 Piotr Roszatycki <>. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself. See