# NAME package2plantumlclassdiagram - Generates Plant UML's Class Diagram from Perl Modules # DESCRIPTION package2plantumlclassdiagram analyze Perl modules with PPI, and generate Plant UML's Class Diagram syntax. You can render the output result with PlantUML. [Output Example is here.](https://gist.github.com/hitode909/ce22c46004f2ff1dac73) # SYNOPSIS % package2plantumlclassdiagram PATH_TO_MODULES > a.plantuml Then, render a.plantuml with PlantUML. % GRAPHVIZ_DOT=$(which dot) plantuml -charset UTF-8 -tpng a.plantuml % open a.png # PLOT ALL MODULES I YOUR PROJECT Like this. % package2plantumlclassdiagram ~/YourApp/lib/**/**.pm > a.plantuml # PLOT ONLY INHERITANCE RELATIONSHIPS Use grep -P. % package2plantumlclassdiagram PATH_TO_MODULES | ggrep -P '^(@startuml|@enduml)|(<|--)' > a.plantuml # SEE ALSO [http://plantuml.com/classes.html](http://plantuml.com/classes.html) # LICENSE Copyright (C) hitode909. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR hitode909 <hitode909@gmail.com>