Apache::AuthzCache is designed to work with a mod_perl
authorization module to provide caching of group membership for
site users. For a list of mod_perl authorization modules see:
When a request that requires authorization is received,
Apache::AuthzCache looks up the REMOTE_USER in a shared-memory
cache (using IPC::Cache) and compares the list of groups in the
cache against the groups enumerated within the "require"
configuration directive. If a match is found, the handler returns
OK and clears the downstream Authz handlers from the
stack. Otherwise, it returns DECLINED and allows the next
PerlAuthzHandler in the chain to be called.
After the primary authorization handler completes with an OK,
Apache::AuthzCache::manage_cache adds the new group (listed in
REMOTE_GROUP) to the cache.

See AuthzCache.pm pod for detailed documentation.

$Id: README,v 1.1 2000/09/26 20:11:50 cgilmore Exp $