NAME Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::MAXHQ - MAXHQ's default Dist::Zilla configuration VERSION version 3.1.1 SYNOPSIS Put following into your My-Module/dist.ini: [@Author::MAXHQ] GatherDir.exclude_match = ^[^\/\.]+\.txt$ PodWeaver.replacer = replace_with_nothing ReadmeAnyFromPod = no DESCRIPTION The bundles' behaviour can be altered by the following options: * GatherDir.exclude_match - a regex specifying which files or directories to ignore (they are not processed and thus not added to the distribution tarball). This option can be specified several times for different regexes. * PodWeaver.replacer - Which replacer to use for POD sections. See Pod::Elemental::PerlMunger. Currently possible values: "replace_with_nothing", "replace_with_comment" (default), "replace_with_blank" * nodoc - Set this to 1 to prevent the generation of HTML documents under doc/ OVERVIEW Currently this plugin bundle is equivalent to: # # Include files tracked by Git with some exceptions # [Git::GatherDir] exclude_match = ^cpanfile$ exclude_match = ^cpanfile.snapshot$ exclude_match = \A[^\/]+\.ini\Z exclude_match = \A[^\/]+\.tar\.gz\Z exclude_match = ^\.build\b exclude_match = ^\.git\b exclude_match = ^\.svn\b exclude_match = ^extlib\b exclude_match = ^local\b exclude_match = ^CVS\b include_dotfiles = 1 [PruneCruft] [ExecDir] dir = bin [ShareDir] dir = share/dist/My-Module # # Conversion and replacements # [PkgVersion] die_on_existing_version = 1 die_on_line_insertion = 1 [NextRelease] format = '%-9v %{yyyy-MM-dd}d' [PreviousVersion::Changelog] [NextVersion::Semantic] major = *NEW FEATURES, *API CHANGES minor = +ENHANCEMENTS revision = REVISION, BUG FIXES, DOCUMENTATION numify_version = 1 format = %d.%03d%03d [PodWeaver] config_plugin = @Author::MAXHQ replacer = replace_with_comment # # Prerequisites # [Prereqs::FromCPANfile] [Prereqs::AuthorDeps] [AutoPrereqs] [Prereqs / MAXHQ] -phase = runtime -relationship = requires Pod::Elemental::Transformer::List = 0.102000 [Prereqs / MAXHQ-DEV] -phase = devlop -relationship = requires Pod::Coverage::TrustPod = 0.100003 [RemovePrereqs] remove = strict [CheckSelfDependency] # # Auto generation --- distribution files # [ModuleBuild] [MetaYAML] [MetaJSON] [Manifest] [License] [ReadmeAnyFromPod] [CPANFile] # # Auto generation --- tests # [Test::Inline] [ExtraTests] [Test::Perl::Critic] [PodCoverageTests] [PodSyntaxTests] [Test::Pod::No404s] [Test::Pod::LinkCheck] [Test::EOL] [Test::NoTabs] # # Copy files back into project dir # [CopyFilesFromBuild] copy = cpanfile # # Release # [TestRelease] [Git::Check] allow_dirty => cpanfile [Git::Commit] allow_dirty => cpanfile allow_dirty => Changes commit_msg = Release %v%n%n%c [Git::Tag] tag_format = %v ;# make a lightweight tag tag_message = [Git::Push] [ConfirmRelease] METHODS add_plugins_if_wanted Adds the given plugins unless there is a configuration option given to the plugin bundle that tells not to use it. E.g. plugin 'PruneCruft' is used unless the following is given: [@Author::MAXHQ] PruneCruft = no AUTHOR Jens Berthold <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Jens Berthold. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.