Net::Radius::PacketOrdered - interface to RADIUS packets with proxy

      use Net::Radius::PacketOrdered;
      use Net::Radius::Dictionary;

      my $d = new Net::Radius::Dictionary "/etc/radius/dictionary";

      my $p = new Net::Radius::PacketOrdered $d, $data;

      if ($p->attr('User-Name' eq "lwall") {
        my $resp = new Net::Radius::PacketOrdered $d;
        $resp->set_attr('Reply-Message' => "Welcome, Larry!\r\n");
        my $respdat = auth_resp($resp->pack, "mysecret");

    RADIUS (RFC2865) specifies a binary packet format which contains various
    values and attributes. Net::Radius::PacketOrdered provides an interface
    to turn RADIUS packets into Perl data structures and vice-versa.

    Net::Radius::PacketOrdered does not provide functions for obtaining
    RADIUS packets from the network. A simple network RADIUS server is
    provided as an example at the end of this document.

  Proxy-State, RFC specification
    from RFC 2865 -

    2. Operation

    If any Proxy-State attributes were present in the Access-Request, they
    MUST be copied unmodified and in order into the response packet. Other
    Attributes can be placed before, after, or even between the Proxy-State

    2.3 Proxy

    The forwarding server MUST treat any Proxy-State attributes already in
    the packet as opaque data. Its operation MUST NOT depend on the content
    of Proxy-State attributes added by previous servers.

    If there are any Proxy-State attributes in the request received from the
    client, the forwarding server MUST include those Proxy-State attributes
    in its reply to the client. The forwarding server MAY include the
    Proxy-State attributes in the access-request when it forwards the
    request, or MAY omit them in the forwarded request. If the forwarding
    server omits the Proxy-State attributes in the forwarded access-request,
    it MUST attach them to the response before sending it to the client.

  Proxy-State, Implementation
    Proxy-State attributes are stored in an array, and when copied from one
    Net::Radius::PacketOrdered to another - using method *new* with packet
    data as attribute - they retain their order.

    *attr* method always returns last attribute inserted.

    *set_attr* method pushed name attribute onto the Attributes stack, or
    overwrites it in specific circumnstances, as described in method

    *new* Net::Radius::PacketOrdered $dictionary, $data
        Returns a new Net::Radius::PacketOrdered object. $dictionary is an
        optional reference to a Net::Radius::Dictionary object. If not
        supplied, you must call set_dict. If $data is supplied, unpack will
        be called for you to initialize the object.

    There are actually two families of object methods. The ones described
    below deal with standard RADIUS attributes. An additional set of methods
    handle the Vendor-Specific attributes as defined in the RADIUS protocol.
    Those methods behave in much the same way as the ones below with the
    exception that the prefix *vs* must be applied before the *attr* in most
    of the names. The vendor code must also be included as the first
    parameter of the call.

    The *vsattr* and *set_vsattr* methods, used to query and set
    Vendor-Specific attributes return an array reference with the values of
    each instance of the particular attribute in the packet. This difference
    is required to support multiple VSAs with different parameters in the
    same packet.

        Net::Radius::PacketOrdered needs access to a Net::Radius::Dictionary
        object to do packing and unpacking. set_dict must be called with an
        appropriate dictionary reference (see Net::Radius::Dictionary)
        before you can use ->pack or ->unpack.

        Returns the Code field as a string. As of this writing, the
        following codes are defined:

                Access-Request          Access-Accept
                Access-Reject           Accounting-Request
                Accounting-Response     Access-Challenge
                Status-Server           Status-Client

        Sets the Code field to the string supplied.

        Returns the one-byte Identifier used to match requests with
        responses, as a character value.

        Sets the Identifier byte to the character supplied.

        Returns the 16-byte Authenticator field as a character string.

        Sets the Authenticator field to the character string supplied.

    ->*set_attr*($name, $val, $rewrite_flag)
        Sets the named Attributes to the given value. Values should be
        supplied as they would be returned from the attr method. If
        rewrite_flag is set, and a single attribute with such name already
        exists on the Attributes stack, its value will be overwriten with
        the supplied one. In all other cases (if there are more than one
        attributes with such name already on the stack, there are no
        attributes with such name, rewrite_flag is omitted) name/pair array
        will be pushed onto the stack.

        Retrieves a list of attribute names present within the packet.

        Retrieves the value of the named Attribute. If there are multiple
        values for the Attribute, last one inserted will be returned. This
        is behaviour is crucial for correct implementation of Proxy-State.

        Removes given Attribute with given value from the Attributes stack.

        Retrieves the attribute value of the given slot number from the
        Attributes stack.

        Removes given stack position from the Attributes stack.

        The RADIUS User-Password attribute is encoded with a shared secret.
        Use this method to return the decoded version. This also works when
        the attribute name is 'Password' for compatibility reasons.

    ->*set_password*($passwd, $secret)
        The RADIUS User-Password attribute is encoded with a shared secret.
        Use this method to prepare the encoded version. Note that this
        method always stores the encrypted password in the 'User-Password'
        attribute. Some servers have been reported on insisting on this
        attribute to be 'Password' instead.

        Controls the generation of a "warn()" whenever an unknown tuple is

    ->*acct_request_auth*($packet, $secret)
        Set request authenticator in binary packet, for accounting request

    ->*acct_response_auth*($packet, $secret, request-auth)
        Set reponse authenticator in binary packet, for accounting response

        Prints the content of the packet to STDOUT.

        Returns a raw RADIUS packet suitable for sending to a RADIUS client
        or server.

        Given a raw RADIUS packet $data, unpacks its contents so that they
        can be retrieved with the other methods (code, attr, etc.).

    *auth_resp*($packed_packet, $secret)
        Given a (packed) RADIUS packet and a shared secret, returns a new
        packet with the Authenticator field changed in accordace with RADIUS
        protocol requirements.

    This document is (not yet) intended to be a complete description of how
    to implement a RADIUS server. Please see the RFCs (at for that. The following is a brief
    description of the procedure:

      1. Receive a RADIUS request from the network.
      2. Unpack it using this package.
      3. Examine the attributes to determine the appropriate response.
      4. Construct a response packet using this package.
         Copy the Identifier and Authenticator fields from the request,
         set the Code as appropriate, and fill in whatever Attributes
         you wish to convey in to the server.
      5. Call the pack method and use the auth_resp function to
         authenticate it with your shared secret.
      6. Send the response back over the network.
      7. Lather, rinse, repeat.

        #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

        use Net::Radius::Dictionary;
        use Net::Radius::PacketOrdered;
        use Net::Inet;
        use Net::UDP;
        use Fcntl;
        use strict;

        # This is a VERY simple RADIUS authentication server which responds
        # to Access-Request packets with Access-Accept.  This allows anyone
        # to log in.

        my $secret = "mysecret";  # Shared secret on the term server

        # Parse the RADIUS dictionary file (must have dictionary in current dir)
        my $dict = new Net::Radius::Dictionary "dictionary"
          or die "Couldn't read dictionary: $!";

        # Set up the network socket (must have radius in /etc/services)
        my $s = new Net::UDP { thisservice => "radius" } or die $!;
        $s->bind or die "Couldn't bind: $!";
        $s->fcntl(F_SETFL, $s->fcntl(F_GETFL,0) | O_NONBLOCK)
          or die "Couldn't make socket non-blocking: $!";

        # Loop forever, recieving packets and replying to them
        while (1) {
          my ($rec, $whence);
          # Wait for a packet
          my $nfound = $s->select(1, 0, 1, undef);
          if ($nfound > 0) {
            # Get the data
            $rec = $s->recv(undef, undef, $whence);
            # Unpack it
            my $p = new Net::Radius::PacketOrdered $dict, $rec;
            if ($p->code eq 'Access-Request') {
              # Print some details about the incoming request (try ->dump here)
              print $p->attr('User-Name'), " logging in with password ",
                    $p->password($secret), "\n";
              # Create a response packet
              my $rp = new Net::Radius::PacketOrdered $dict;
              # (No attributes are needed.. but you could set IP addr, etc. here)
              # Authenticate with the secret and send to the server.
              $s->sendto(auth_resp($rp->pack, $secret), $whence);
            else {
              # It's not an Access-Request
              print "Unexpected packet type recieved.";

    See README.proxy for how to setup a test consisting of radius client,
    server and multiple proxies inbetween, all using this module and
    FreeRadius. Scripts for all components (client/server/proxies) in the
    test setup are provided in the CPAN distribution of the module.

    About the stability, this code has been in very active use since early
    2004 on a network with 8000+ edge devices without a single problem
    encountered so far. It has been succesfully used under FreeBSD and

    Christopher Masto, <>. VSA support by Luis E. Muñoz,
    <>. Fix for unpacking 3COM VSAs contributed by Ian
    Smith <>. Information for packing of 3Com VSAs
    provided by Quan Choi <>. Some functions contributed
    by Tony Mountifield <>.

    Extension of Net:Radius::Packet into Net:Radius::PacketOrdered to
    include the ability to implement correctly Proxy-State by Toni Prug,
    <>, idea by Bill Hulley.

    Original work (c) Christopher Masto. Changes (c) 2002,2003 Luis E. Muñoz
    <>. PacketOrdered changes (c) 2004 Toni Prug. All
    rights reserved.

    This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or
    implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under
    the same terms as Perl itself.

    See <>

    Net::Radius::Dictionary Net::Radius::Packet