package MojoX::Plugin::PODRenderer; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin'; use Mojo::Asset::File; use Mojo::ByteStream 'b'; use Mojo::DOM; use Mojo::Util qw(slurp url_escape class_to_path xml_escape); use Pod::Simple::HTML; use Pod::Simple::Search; use boolean; use Class::MOP; use File::Find; our $VERSION = '0.01'; # Paths to search my @PATHS = map { $_, "$_/pods" } @INC; sub register { my ($self, $app, $conf) = @_; my $preprocess = $conf->{preprocess} || 'ep'; $app->renderer->add_handler( $conf->{name} || 'pod' => sub { my ($renderer, $c, $output, $options) = @_; # Preprocess and render my $handler = $renderer->handlers->{$preprocess}; return undef unless $handler->($renderer, $c, $output, $options); $$output = _pod_to_html($$output); return 1; } ); # Perldoc browser return $app->routes->any( '/perldoc/*module' => {module => 'DocIndex'} => \&_perldoc ); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _process_found_file { my ($name2path, $path2name) = @_; warn "2path %s - 2name %s \n", $name2path, $path2name; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _generateIndex { my $self = shift; my ($lib) = grep "script\/\.\.\/lib", @INC; my ($name2path, $path2name) = ({},{}); # It's an owl! find( { wanted => sub { return unless $_ =~ /\.(pm|pl|pod)$/; my $path = $File::Find::name; my $name = $path; $name =~ s/^$lib\/?//; $name =~ s/\.(pm|pl|pod)$//g; $name =~ s!/!::!g; $path2name->{$path} = $name; $name2path->{$name} = $path; }, }, $lib ); my $guides = []; my $modules = {}; foreach my $path (sort keys %$path2name) { my $name = $path2name->{$path}; if ($path =~ /\.pod$/) { # guide (my $url = '/perldoc/'.class_to_path($name)) =~ s/\.pm$/\.pod/; push @{$guides}, { name => $name, has_doc => true, path => $url }; } else { # module (my $url = '/perldoc/'.class_to_path($name)) =~ s/\.pm//; # Check whether it actually has pod my $search = Pod::Simple::Search->new(); my $has_pod = $search->contains_pod($path); my $section = 'other'; if ( $name =~ /::Role::/) { $section = 'roles' } elsif ($name =~ /::Models::/) { $section = 'models' } elsif ($name =~ /::Controllers::/) { $section = 'controllers' } elsif ($name =~ /::Adapter::/) { $section = 'adapters' } elsif ($name =~ /::Plugins?::/) { $section = 'plugins' } push @{$modules->{$section}}, { name => $name, has_doc => $has_pod?true:false, path => $url }; } } my ($template, undef) = $self->app->renderer->render( $self, { template => 'perldoc/perldocindex', partial => 1, handler => 'ep', title => "Index", guides => $guides, modules => $modules, } ); $self->render(inline => $template); $self->res->headers->content_type('text/html;charset="UTF-8"'); return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _perldoc { my $self = shift; my $module = $self->param('module'); $module =~ s/\.pod$//; if ($module eq 'DocIndex') { return _generateIndex($self); } my $path = Pod::Simple::Search->new->find($module, @PATHS) || ''; # Check whether the file we're dealing with is a perl module with embedded # pod or whether it's a pure pod doc. # If the extension is "pod" then it's a standalone. If it's "pm" then there # will be source code. my $extension = ($path =~ /\.(pm|pod)$/)[0]; # Convert the full module name to a perl package my $package = $module; $package =~ s!/!::!g; my $file_name = ($module =~ /(\w+)(\.(pm|pod))?$/)[0]; # If we're looking at perl source then we want to know if we're expecting the # doc view or the source view. my $is_perl_source = false; my $linked_file_name = ''; if ($extension && $extension eq 'pm') { # We know if we're viewing the source as the extension of the module name # passed in will have the pm extension. $is_perl_source = true if $module =~ /\.pm$/; if ($is_perl_source) { $linked_file_name = $file_name; } else { $linked_file_name = $file_name . '.pm'; # Link is source } } my $html = undef; if (!-e $path) { # Redirect to the index page return _generateIndex($self); } else { my $slurped = slurp $path; $html = $is_perl_source ? "<pre>".xml_escape($slurped)."</pre>" : _pod_to_html($slurped); # Ensure % gets escaped before going into the template # for perl source files. $html =~ s/^( *)\%/$1<%='%'%>/gm; } # TODO ATTRIBUTES ==== TODO Autoinsert # Introspect the class to find the attributes _parse_attributes(\$html, $package, $module) if !$is_perl_source && ($html =~ /\[\[ATTRIBUTES\]\]/); # Rewrite links my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new("$html"); my $perldoc = $self->url_for('/perldoc/'); $dom->find('a[href]')->each( sub { my $attrs = shift->attrs; $attrs->{href} =~ s!%3A%3A!/!gi if $attrs->{href} =~ s!^http://search\.cpan\.org/perldoc\?!$perldoc!; } ); # Rewrite code blocks for syntax highlighting $dom->find('pre')->each( sub { my $e = shift; return if $e->all_text =~ /^\s*\$\s+/m; my $attrs = $e->attrs; my $class = $attrs->{class}; $attrs->{class} = defined $class ? "$class prettyprint" : 'prettyprint'; } ); # Rewrite headers my $url = $self->req->url->clone; my (%anchors, @parts); $dom->find('h1, h2, h3')->each( sub { my $e = shift; # Anchor and text my $name = my $text = $e->all_text; $name =~ s/\s+/_/g; $name =~ s/[^\w\-]//g; my $anchor = $name; my $i = 1; $anchor = $name . $i++ while $anchors{$anchor}++; # Rewrite push @parts, [] if $e->type eq 'h1' || !@parts; my $link_text = $text; $link_text =~ s/\[.*\]//; $link_text =~ s/\(.*\)//; push @{$parts[-1]}, $text, $url->fragment($anchor)->to_abs; $e->replace_content( $self->link_to( $text => $url->fragment('toc')->to_abs, class => 'mojoscroll', id => $anchor ) ); } ); # Format h2's if they're method names $dom->find('h2')->each( sub { my $e = shift; my $text = $e->all_text; if ($text !~ /\[(.+)\] *(\w+) *\((.*)\)/) { return; } my ($type, $name, $args) = ($text =~ /\[(.+)\] *(\w+) *\((.*)\)/); $e->replace_content( '<span class="code">' .'<span class="return-type">['.$type.']</span> ' ."$name " .'<span class="arg-list">('.$args.')</span>' .'</span>' ); } ); # Reformat PRE blocks (again - need to combine this possibly with the mojo written one above) if (!$is_perl_source) { $dom->find('pre')->each( sub { my $e = shift; my $re = qr/\@(param|returns|named|throws) (.+)/; my $context = 'before'; my $has_seen_tags = false; my %parts = ( before => [[]], after => [[]], param => [], returns => [], named => [], throws => [], ); if ($e->all_text =~ $re) { foreach my $line (split "\n", $e->all_text) { if ($line =~ /^ *$/) { # Blank lines switch $context = $has_seen_tags ? 'after' : 'before'; } if ($line =~ $re) { $context = $1; # One of the tag contexts $line = $2; $has_seen_tags = true; push @{$parts{$context}},[]; # Create a new array for the new context } if (defined $context) { # Get the last item of this type, and add to it. $line =~ s/^ *// if ($context !~ /before|after/); push @{$parts{ $context }->[-1]}, $line; next; } } # Output the parts - we do this by appending to the original element # in reverse order and then removing the original. # Output AFTER if (scalar @{$parts{after}->[0]}) { $e->append('<pre>' . join(" ",@{$parts{after}->[0]}) . '</pre>'); } if (@{$parts{returns}} || @{$parts{param}} || @{$parts{named}}) { my $block = '<div class="tag-table-block">'; # Output Parameters if (scalar @{$parts{param}}) { $block .= __start_table( 'parameters', '3' ); foreach my $param (@{$parts{param}}) { (my $whole_line = join ' ',@$param ) =~ /(\S+) +\[([^\]]+)\] +(.+)/; $block .= qq|<tr><td class="code">$1</td><td class="italic">$2</td><td>$3</td></tr>|; } $block .= '</table>'; } # Output Named Parameters if (scalar @{$parts{named}}) { $block .= __start_table( 'named parameters', '3' ); foreach my $param (@{$parts{named}}) { (my $whole_line = join ' ',@$param ) =~ /(\S+) +\[([^\]]+)\] +(.+)/; $block .= qq|<tr><td class="code">$1</td><td class="italic">$2</td><td>$3</td></tr>|; } $block .= '</table>'; } # Output Return if (scalar @{$parts{returns}}) { $block .= __start_table( 'returns', '1' ); my $whole_line = join ' ', @{$parts{returns}->[0]}; $block .= qq|<tr><td>$whole_line</td></tr>|; $block .= '</table>'; } # Output Throws if (scalar @{$parts{throws}}) { $block .= __start_table( 'throws', '1' ); foreach my $param (@{$parts{throws}}) { my $whole_line = join ' ', @{$parts{throws}->[0]}; $block .= qq|<tr><td>$whole_line</td></tr>|; } $block .= '</table>'; } $block .= '</div>'; $e->append( $block ); } # Output BEFORE if (scalar @{$parts{before}->[0]}) { $e->append( '<pre class="prettyprint">' . join(" ",@{$parts{before}->[0]}) . '</pre>'); } # Remove the original element $e->remove; } } ); } # Try to find a title my $title = 'Perldoc'; $dom->find('h1 + p')->first(sub { $title = shift->text }); # Combine everything to a proper response $self->content_for(perldoc => "$dom"); my $template_name = $is_perl_source ? 'perlsource' : 'perldoc'; my ($template, undef) = $self->app->renderer->render( $self, { template => 'perldoc/'.$template_name, partial => 1, handler => 'ep', title => $title, linked_file => $linked_file_name, parts => \@parts, } ); $self->render(inline => $template); $self->res->headers->content_type('text/html;charset="UTF-8"'); return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub __start_table { my ($name, $span) = @_; return qq|<table class="tag-table"><tr><th colspan="$span">$name</th></tr>|; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _pod_to_html { return undef unless defined(my $pod = shift); # Block $pod = $pod->() if ref $pod eq 'CODE'; my $parser = Pod::Simple::HTML->new; $parser->force_title(''); $parser->html_header_before_title(''); $parser->html_header_after_title(''); $parser->html_footer(''); $parser->output_string(\(my $output)); return $@ unless eval { $parser->parse_string_document("$pod"); 1 }; # Filter $output =~ s!<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor'\s*?></a>\n!!g; $output =~ s!<a class='u'.*?name=".*?"\s*>(.*?)</a>!$1!sg; return $output; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _parse_attributes { my ($html_r, $package, $module) = @_; $module =~ s/\.pm$//; require "$"; my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize($package); my %local_attributes = (); my %inherited_attributes = (); if ($meta->can("get_attribute_list")) { foreach my $attr ($meta->get_attribute_list) { $local_attributes{$attr} = 1; } } if ($meta->can("get_all_attributes")) { foreach my $attr ($meta->get_all_attributes) { if (!exists $local_attributes{$attr->name}) { $inherited_attributes{$attr->name} = 1; } } } my $replace = ''; my $local = join(", ", sort keys %local_attributes); my $inherited = join(", ", sort keys %inherited_attributes); if ($local and $inherited) { $local .= ', ' }; if ($local or $inherited) { $replace = qq|<div class="code">$local<em>$inherited</em></div><br>|; } $$html_r =~ s/\[\[ATTRIBUTES\]\]/$replace/; return; } # ============================================================================== 1; =head1 NAME MojoX::Plugin::PODRenderer =head1 SYNOPSIS use MojoX::Plugin::PODRenderer; $self->plugin( 'MojoX::Plugin::PODRenderer' ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Perl pod rendering plugin. Based on the original Mojo::PODRenderer. =head1 METHODS =head2 [void] register( $app, $conf ) Called by Mojo app to register the plugin @param app [mojo application] ref to the mojo application @param conf [hash] configuration hash =cut