NAME Locale::Babelfish - Perl I18n using format. VERSION version 1.000001 SYNOPSIS package Foo; use Locale::Babelfish; my $bf = Locale::Babelfish->new( { dirs => [ '/path/to/dictionaries' ] } ); print $bf->t('dictionary.firstkey.nextkey', { foo => 'bar' } ); More sophisticated example: package Foo::Bar; use Locale::Babelfish; my $bf = Locale::Babelfish->new( { # configuration dirs => [ '/path/to/dictionaries' ], default_locale => [ 'ru_RU' ], # By default en_US } ); # using default locale print $bf->t( 'dictionary.akey' ); print $bf->t( 'dictionary.firstkey.nextkey', { foo => 'bar' } ); # using specified locale print $bf->t( 'dictionary.firstkey.nextkey', { foo => 'bar' }, 'by_BY' ); # using scalar as count or value variable print $bf->t( 'dictionary.firstkey.nextkey', 90 ); # same as print $bf->t( 'dictionary.firstkey.nextkey', { count => 90, value => 90 } ); # set locale $bf->locale( 'en_US' ); print $bf->t( 'dictionary.firstkey.nextkey', { foo => 'bar' } ); # Get current locale print $bf->locale; DESCRIPTION Internationalisation with easy syntax Created for using same dictionaries on Perl and JavaScript. METHODS new Constructor my $bf = Locale::Babelfish->new( { dirs => [ '/path/to/dictionaries' ], # is required suffix => 'yaml', # dictionaries extension default_locale => 'ru_RU', # by default en_US } ); locale Gets or sets current locale. $self->locale; $self->locale( 'en_GB' ); prepare_to_compile $self->prepare_to_compile() Marks dictionary values as refscalars, is they need compilation. Or simply compiles them. detect_locale $self->detect_locale( $locale ); Detects locale by specified locale/language. Returns default locale unless detected. load_dictionaries Loads dictionaries recursively on specified path. $self->load_dictionaries; $self->load_dictionaries( \&filter( $file_path ) ); phrase_need_compilation $self->phrase_need_compilation( $phrase, $key ) $class->phrase_need_compilation( $phrase, $key ) Is phrase need parsing and compilation. on_watcher_change $self->on_watcher_change() Reloads all dictionaries. check_for_changes $self->check_for_changes() Checks that all files unchanged or calls "on_watcher_change". Works when watch option set only. t_or_undef Get internationalized value for key from dictionary. $self->t_or_undef( 'main.key.subkey' ); $self->t_or_undef( 'main.key.subkey' , { param1 => 1 , param2 => { next_level => 'test' } } ); $self->t_or_undef( 'main.key.subkey' , { param1 => 1 }, $specific_locale ); $self->t_or_undef( 'main.key.subkey' , 1 ); Where "main" - is dictionary, "key.subkey" - key at dictionary. t Get internationalized value for key from dictionary. $self->t( 'main.key.subkey' ); $self->t( 'main.key.subkey' , { param1 => 1 , param2 => { next_level => 'test' } } ); $self->t( 'main.key.subkey' , { param1 => 1 }, $specific_locale ); $self->t( 'main.key.subkey' , 1 ); Where "main" - is dictionary, "key.subkey" - key at dictionary. Returns square bracketed key when value not found. has_any_value Check exist or not key in dictionary. $self->has_any_value( 'main.key.subkey' ); Where "main" - is dictionary, "key.subkey" - key at dictionary. set_fallback $self->set_fallback( 'by_BY', 'ru_RU', 'en_US'); $self->set_fallback( 'by_BY', [ 'ru_RU', 'en_US' ] ); Set fallbacks for given locale. When `locale` has no translation for the phrase, fallbacks[0] will be tried, if translation still not found, then fallbacks[1] will be tried and so on. If none of fallbacks have translation, default locale will be tried as last resort. DICTIONARIES Phrases Syntax #{varname} Echoes value of variable ((Singular|Plural1|Plural2)):variable Plural form ((Singular|Plural1|Plural2)) Short plural form for "count" variable Example: I have #{nails_count} ((nail|nails)):nails_count or short form I have #{count} ((nail|nails)) or with zero and onу plural forms: I have ((=0 no nails|=1 a nail|#{nails_count} nail|#{nails_count} nails)):nails_count Dictionary file example Module support only YAML format. Create dictionary file like: dictionary.en_US.yaml where "dictionary" is name of dictionary and "en_US" - its locale. profile: apps: forums: new_topic: New topic last_post: title : Last message demo: apples: I have #{count} ((apple|apples)) Encoding UTF-8 (Perl internal encoding). DETAILS Dictionaries loaded at instance construction stage. All scalar values will be saved as scalar refs if needs compilation (has Babelfish control sequences). t_or_undef method translates specified key value. Result will be compiled when scalarref. Result of compilation is scalar or coderef. Result will be executed when coderef. Scalar/hashref/arrayref will be returned as is. Watch option supported. SEE ALSO <> AUTHORS * Akzhan Abdulin <> * Igor Mironov <> * REG.RU LLC COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Akzhan Abdulin. This is free software, licensed under: The MIT (X11) License