This is the README file for Tk::WaitBoxFixed

This is based on and compatible with Tk::WaitBox, but with a few
bugfixes applied.

Tk::WaitBox is a perl5 package which implements a very flexible
WaitBox widget.  To use Tk::FileDialog, you will need Perl version
5.010 or better, and Tk.

To build this extension, simply enter:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make install

There are no test routines for Tk::WaitBoxFixed.  A sample program is
included within the pod section.

| Please read this:                              |
|                                                |
| This software is developed with MERCURIAL SCM. |
| You are free to use any source code managment  |
| you prefer, but please don't expect me to      |
| switch.                 .                      |
|                                                |
| I appreciate any contribution as long as you   |
| follow these rules:                            |
|                                                |
| 1) No rebase or other history rewrites         |
| 2) I need to see which version you             |
|    started your patch on                       |
| 3) Don't do a *huge* feature commit,           |
|    a step-by-step approach is much             |
|    easier to debug                             |
| 4) I don't care about a "neat" history,        |
|    i need to see what really happened.         |
|                                                |