In dist.ini:



    This plugin sets various environment variables so when one of your
    plugins runs another program or script, the program can get various
    information about Dist::Zilla or the building process through the
    environment variables.

    Plugin ordering is important. Generally you should put this SetEnv
    plugin before any other plugin that you might want to run programs
    from, so SetEnv already has the chance to set e.g. DZIL_PHASE.


 DZIL => bool

    Can be used by programs/scripts to tell that they are running under

    This is set to 1 at the "before build" phase.

 DZIL_NAME => set

    Can be used by programs/scripts to tell what distribution is being

    This is set to $zilla->name at the "before build" phase.

    Example: App-YourApp

 DZIL_PHASE => str

    Can be used by programs/scripts to tell what phase they are in.

    This is set to before_build at the "before build" phase.

    Set to before_mint at the "before mint" phase.

    Set to before_release at the "before release" phase.

    Set to make_module at the "make module" (ModuleMaker) phase.

    Set to gather_files at the "file gathering" phase.

    Set to set_file_encodings at the "set file encodings" phase.

    Set to prune_files at the "file pruning" phase.

    Set to provide_version at the "provide version" phase.

    Set to munge_files at the "file munging" phase.

    Set to register_prereqs at the "register prereqs" phase.

    Set to provide_meta at the "meta provider" phase.

    Set to setup_installer at the "setup installer" phase.

    Set to before_archive at the "before archive" phase.

    Set to after_build at the "after build" phase.

    Set to after_mint at the "after mint" phase.

    Set to after_release at the "after release" phase.

 DZIL_NAME => str

    This is set to 1 at the "before build" phase.


    Included for completeness. This is not set by this plugin, but by
    Dist::Zilla itself at the beginning of the release process.

    Can be used by programs/scripts to tell that they are in a release


    Can be used by programs/scripts to tell that they are in a test

    Conditionally set to 1 at the "before build" phase.

