NAME Net::IP::Match::Trie - Efficiently match IP addresses against IP ranges with Trie (prefix tree) SYNOPSIS use Net::IP::Match::Trie; my $matcher = Net::IP::Match::Trie->new; $matcher->add(google => [qw(]); $matcher->add(yahoo => [qw(]); $matcher->add(ask => [qw(]); $matcher->add(docomo => [qw( ...)]); $matcher->add(au => [qw( ...)]); $matcher->add(softbank => [qw( ...)]); $matcher->add(willcom => [qw( ...)]); say $matcher->match_ip(""); # => "google" say $matcher->match_ip(""); # => "yahoo" say $matcher->match_ip(""); # => "" DESCRIPTION Net::IP::Match::Trie is XS or Pure Perl implementation of matching IP address against Net ranges. Net::IP::Match::Trie uses Trie (prefix tree) data structure, so very fast lookup time (match_ip) but slow setup (add) time. This module is useful for once initialization and a bunch of lookups model such as long life server process. METHODS add(LABEL => CIDRS) LABEL: Str CIDRS: ArrayRef register CIDRs to internal data tree labeled as "LABEL". match_ip(IP) IP: Str return "LABEL" if IP matched registered CIDRs. otherwise return "". AUTHOR HIROSE Masaaki <> REPOSITORY <> git clone git:// patches and collaborators are welcome. SEE ALSO COPYRIGHT Copyright HIROSE Masaaki LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.