CHI::Cascade - the cache dependencies (cache and like 'make' utility

        use CHI;
        use CHI::Cascade;

        $cascade = CHI::Cascade->new(chi => CHI->new(...));

            target  => 'unique_name',
            depends => ['unique_name_other1', 'unique_name_other2'],
            code    => sub {
                my ($target_name, $values_of_depends) = @_;

                # $values_of_depends == {
                #     unique_name_other1 => $value_1,
                #     unique_name_other2 => $value_2
                # }

                # Now we can calcualte $value
                return $value;

            target  => 'unique_name_other1',
            depends => 'unique_name_other3',
            code    => sub {
                my ($target_name, $values_of_depends) = @_;

                # $values_of_depends == {
                #     unique_name_other3 => $value_3
                # }

                # computing here
                return $value;

        $value_of_this_target = $cascade->run('unique_name');

    This module is the attempt to use a benefits of caching and 'make'
    concept. If we have many an expensive tasks and want to cache it we can
    split its to small expsnsive tasks and to describe dependencies for
    cache items.

    This module is experimental yet. I plan to improve it near time but some
    things already work. You can take a look for t/* tests as examples.

    $cascade = CHI::Cascade->new( %options )
        This method constructs a new "CHI::Cascade" object and returns it.
        Key/value pair arguments may be provided to set up the initial
        state. Now there is only one option: *chi* - instance of CHI object.

    rule( %options )
        To add new rule to "CHI::Cascade" object. All rules should be added
        before first "run" method

        The keys of %options are:

            A target for "run" and for searching of "depends". It can be as
            scalar text or "Regexp" object created through "qr//"

            The list or a scalar value of dependencies - the list of targets
            which the current rule is dependent. Each item can be scalar
            value (exactly matched target) or code reference which will be
            executed during matching of target. A code subroutine will get a
            parameters from "=~" operator against "target" matching by
            "qr//" operator(not tested while) - please see the section
            "EXAMPLE" for this example.

            The code reference for computing a value of this target. Will be
            executed if no value in cache for this target or any dependence
            or dependences of dependences and so on will be recomputed. This
            subroutine will get parameters: $_[0] - flat text of current
            target and hashref of values of dependencies. This module should
            guarantee that values of dependencies will be valid values even
            if value is "undef". This code can return "undef" value as a
            valid code return but author doesn't recommend it. If
            "CHI::Cascade" could not get a valid values of all dependencies
            of current target before execution of this code the last will
            not be executed (The "run" will return "undef").

    run( $target )
        This method makes a cascade computing if need and returns value for
        this target If any dependence of this target of any dependencies of
        dependencies were recomputed this target will be recomputed too.

    touch( $target )
        This method refreshes the time of this target. Here is analogy with
        touch utility of Unix and behaviour as make after it. After "touch"
        all targets are dependent from this target will be recomputed at
        next "run" with an appropriate ones.

    This module is experimental and not finished for new features ;-) Please
    send me issues through <> page

CHI::Cascade & make
    Here simple example how it works. Here is a direct analogy to Unix make

        In CHI::Cascade:            In make:

        rule                        rule
        depends                     prerequisites
        code                        commands
        run( rule_name )            make target_name

    The features of this module are following:

    Computing inside process
        If module needs to compute item for cache we compute inside process
        (no forks) For web applications it means that one process for one
        request could take a some time for computing. But other processes
        will not wait and will get either old previous computed value or
        *undef* value.

    Non-blocking computing for concurrent processes
        If other process want to get data from cache we should not block it.
        So concurrent process can get an old data if new computing is run or
        can get *undef* value. A concurrent process should decide itself
        what it should do after it - try again after few time or print some
        message like 'Please wait and try again' to user.

    Each target is splitted is two items in cache
        For optimization this module keeps target's info by separately from
        value item. A target item has lock & timestamp fields. A value item
        has a computed value.

    For example please to see the SYNOPSIS

    When we prepared a rules and a depends we can:

    If unique_name_other1 and/or unique_name_other2 are(is) more newer than
    unique_name the unique_name will be recomputed. If in this example
    unique_name_other1 and unique_name_other2 are older than unique_name but
    the unique_name_other3 is newer than unique_name_other1 then
    unique_name_other1 will be recomputed and after the unique_name will be

    And even we can have a same rule:

            target  => qr/unique_name_(.*)/,
            depends => sub { 'unique_name_other_' . $_[0] },
            code    => sub {
                my ($target_name, $values_of_depends) = @_;

                # $this_name == 'unique_name_3' if $cascade->run('unique_name_3') was
                # $values_of_depends == {
                #     unique_name_other3 => $value_ref_3
                # }

            target  => qr/unique_name_other_(.*)/,
            code    => sub {
                my ($target_name, $values_of_depends) = @_;

    When we will do:


    $cascade will find rule with qr/unique_name_(.*)/, will make =~ and will
    find a depend as unique_name_other_52

    This module has been written by Perlover <>

    This module is free software and is published under the same terms as
    Perl itself.

        CHI                                 - mandatory
        CHI::Driver::Memcached::Fast        - recommended
        CHI::Driver::File                   - file caching