DBD::SQLAnywhere -- a SQLAnywhere interface for Perl 5.

   Portions Copyright (c) 1994,1995,1996            Tim Bunce
   Portions Copyright (c) 2015			    SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company

   For license information, please see license.txt included in this


    Build, test and install Perl 5 (at least 5.6.0 is recommended).
    It is very important to test it and install it!

    Build, test and install the DBI module (at least DBI 1.51 is
    required) if it is not already included in your perl distribution.

    No SQL Anywhere software needs to be installed to build this
    module; however, a SQL Anywhere client installation is required in
    order to use the module.

    A full SQLAnywhere client+server installation is recommended for
    testing this module otherwise the tests will be skipped.

    On UNIX:
	[ Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, etc. ]

	source sa_config.sh (or sa_config.csh) from the SQL Anywhere

	perl Makefile.PL
	copy demo.db from the SQL Anywhere installation directory
	    to the current directory
	make test
	make install
    On Windows:
       If ActiveState's builds are working correctly, you can install the driver from their repository:
           ppm install DBD-SQLAnywhere

	To build the driver yourself using ActivePerl 5.18 or later:
	    First install the MinGW Perl package:
	    	ppm install MinGW

	    Then add your <perl>\site\bin directory to your PATH if it is not already there

	    Then run the following:
		perl Makefile.PL
		copy demo.db from the SQL Anywhere installation directory
		    to the current directory
		dmake test
		dmake install

	To build the driver yourself Using ActivePerl 5.16 or earlier:
	    [ Note: Microsoft C is required ]

	    First, ensure that your VisualStudio compilation environment is setup correctly
	    by invoking the appropriate vcvars*.bat or vsvars*.bat provided in the Visual Studio

	    Then run the following:
		perl Makefile.PL
		copy demo.db from the SQL Anywhere installation directory
		    to the current directory
		nmake test
		nmake install

	    If you are using an old version of Visual Studio and/or a really old version of
	    ActivePerl and you see errors about manifests, uncomment the following line
	    in Makefile.PL and try again starting with 'perl Makefile.PL':
	        #    $opts{LD} = "\$(PERL) dolink.pl \$@";

    Do not hand-edit the generated Makefile as those changes will be
    lost the next time 'perl Makefile.PL' is invoked. Always try to
    make changes via the Makefile.PL command line and/or editing



For information on how to use DBD::SQLAnywhere, please invoke the
following after DBD::SQLAnywhere has been installed:

    perldoc DBD::SQLAnywhere

Prior to installation, you may instead run the following when
SQLAnywhere.pm is in your current directory:

    perldoc SQLAnywhere.pm

Examples can be found in the 'eg' directory:
    connect.pl  -> Demonstrates a simple connect.
    retrieve.pl -> Demonstrates retrieving data from a table and displaying the result set.
    blobs.pl    -> Demonstrates the use of blobs

For further examples, consult the test scripts located in the 't'