Version 1.00, December 15, 1999
Gregor Mosheh (stigmata@blackangel.net)


RAS::AS5200 is a PERL 5 module for interfacing with a 
Cisco AS5200 access router. Using this module, one 
can very easily construct programs to find a particular 
user in a bank of AS5200s, disconnect users, get usage 
statistics, or execute arbitrary commands on a AS5200.


This module uses Jay Rogers' Net::Telnet module. If you don't have 
Net::Telnet, get it from CPAN or this module won't do much for you.

Installation is easy:
   perl Makefile.PL && make && make install

Check out the in the documentation for ideas on how you'd 
want to use this module.


For more information and for examples, see the POD documentation 
in the module itself. Try "pod2text AS5200.pm | more" or see 
the installed manpage.