IPv6::Address - IPv6 Address Manipulation Library


    version 0.206


     use IPv6::Address;
     my $ipv6 = IPv6::Address->new('2001:648:2000::/48');
     $ipv6->contains('2001:648:2000::/64'); #true
     say $ipv6->to_string;
     say $ipv6->string; # Same as previous
     say $ipv6; # Same as previous
     say $ipv6->string(nocompress=>1); # do not compress using the :: notation
     say $ipv6->string(ipv4=>1); #print the last 32 bits as an IPv4 address
     $ipv6->addr_string; # Returns '2001:648:2000::'
     $ipv6->split(4); # Split the prefix into 2^4 smaller prefixes. Returns a list.  
     $ipv6->apply_mask; # Apply the mask to the address. All bits beyond the mask length become 0.
     $a->enumerate_with_offset( 5 , 64 ); #returns 2001:648:2000:4::/64 


    A pure Perl IPv6 address manipulation library. Emphasis on manipulation
    of prefixes and addresses. Very easy to understand and modify. The
    internal representation of an IPv6::Address is a blessed hash with two
    keys, a prefix length (0-128 obviously) and a 128-bit string. A
    multitude of methods to do various tasks is provided.


    new( ipv6_string )

      Takes a string representation of an IPv6 address and creates a
      corresponding IPv6::Address object.

    raw_new( bitstr, length )

      Creates a new IPv6::Address out of a bitstring and a prefix length.
      The bitstring must be binary, please do not use a '0' or '1'
      character string.


      Returns the bitstr of the object.


      Returns the prefix length of the address.


      Returns a 128-bit string with the first prefix-length bits equal to
      1, rest equal to 0. Essentially takes the prefix length of the object
      and returns a corresponding bit mask.


      Returns the bitstring, after zeroing out all the bits after the
      prefix length. Essentially applies the prefix mask to the address.

    generate_bitstr( number )

      Not a method, returns 128-bit string, first n-items are 1, rest is 0.

    bitstr_and( bitstr1 , bitstr2 )

      Not a method, AND's two bitstrings, returns result.

    bitstr_or( bitstr1 , bitstr2)

      Not a method, OR's two bitstrings, returns result.

    bitstr_not( bitstr )

      Not a method, inverts a bitstring.

    from_str( string_bitstring )

      Not a method, takes a string of characters 0 or 1, returns
      corresponding binary bitstring. Please do not use more than 128
      characters, rest will be ignored.

    to_str( bitstring )

      Not a method, takes a binary bitstring, returns a string composed of
      0's and 1's. Please supply bitstrings of max. 128 bits, rest of the
      bits will be ignored.

    contains( other_address )

      This method takes an argument which is either an IPv6::Address or a
      plain string that can be promoted to a valid IPv6::Address, and tests
      whether the object contains it. Obviously returns true or false.


      Returns the address part of the IPv6::Address. Using the option
      ipv4=>1 like


      will make the last 32-bits appear as an IPv4 address. Also, using
      nocompress=>1 like

       $a->addr_string( nocompress => 1 ) 

      will prevent the string from containing a '::' part. So it will be 8
      parts separated by ':' colons.


      Returns the full IPv6 address, with the prefix in its end.


      Used internally by the overload module.

    split( exponent , target_length )

      Splits the address to the order of two of the number given as first
      argument. Example: if argument is 3, 2^3=8, address is split into 8
      parts. The final parts have prefix length equal to the target_length
      specified in the second argument.


      Applies the prefix length mask to the address. Does not return
      anything. Works on $self. WARNING:This will alter the object.


      Returns the first address of the prefix that is represented by the
      object. E.g. consider 2001:648:2000::1234/64. First address will be


      Returns the last address of the prefix that is represented by the
      object. E.g. consider 2001:648:2000::1234/64. Last address will be

    is_unspecified , is_loopback , is_multicast

      Returns true or false depending on whether the address falls into the
      corresponding category stated by the method name. E.g.

       IPv6::Address->new('::1')->is_loopback # returns true


      Not a method, takes an IPv4 address, returns a character string
      consisting of 32 characters that are 0 or 1. Used internally, not too
      useful for the end user.

    enumerate_with_IPv4( ipv4, mask )

      Takes an IPv4 address and uses a part of it to enumerate inside the
      Ipv6 prefix of the object. E.g.

       IPv6::Address->new('2001:648:2001::/48')->enumerate_with_IPv4('',0x0000ffff) #will yield 2001:648::2001:0001::/64

      The return value will be a new IPv6::Address object, so the original
      object remains intact. The part that will be used as an offset is
      extracted from the ipv4 by using the mask.

    enumerate_with_offset( offset, desired_length )

      Takes a non-negative integer offset and returns a prefix whose
      relative position inside the object is defined by the offset. The
      prefix length of the result is defined by the second argument. E.g.

       IPv6::Address->new('2001:648:2000::/48')->enumerate_with_offset( 5 , 64 ) #2001:648:2000:4::/64

    increment( offset )

      Increments the IPv6::Address object by offset. Offsets larger than
      2^32-1 are not acceptable. This method is probably not too useful,
      but is provided for completeness.


      Takes the bitstring of the address and unpacks it using the first
      argument. Internal use mostly.


      Splits the address into an 8-item array of unsigned short integers.
      Network byte order is implied, a short integer is 16-bits long.


      Splits the address into an 4-item array of unsigned long integers.
      Network byte order is implied, a long integer is 32-bits long.

    n_cmp( a , b )

      Takes two 128-bit bitstr arguments, compares them and returns the
      result as -1, 0 or 1. The semantics are the same as that of the
      spaceship operator <=>.

      This method will overload the <=> operator for IPv6::Address objects,
      so comparing IPv6::Address objects like they were integers produces
      the correct results.

    n_sort( array )

      Sorts an array of bitstrs using the n_cmp function.


      Returns a string suitable to be returned as an IPv6 Radius AV-pair.
      See RFC 3162 for an explanation of the format.


    Athanasios Douitsis <>


    Please open a ticket at


    Copyright 2008-2015 Athanasios Douitsis, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can use it under the terms of
    Artistic License 2.0 which can be found at