VimDebug integrates your language's debugger with Vim.  Currently there is
support for Perl.  Please note that this code is in beta.

### Requirements

 - Perl 5.6.0+
 - A small number of Perl modules
 - Vim with +signs compiled in.

### Install instructions

    tar xvzf VimDebug*.tar.gz
    cd VimDebug*
    perl Makefile.PL
    sudo make install
    cp -r vim/* $VIMHOME/

### How to install Perl modules

Perl modules are easily installed using cpanm.  If you don't have cpanm, this
is the simplest way to get it:

    curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus

Then just type:

    sudo cpanm IO::Pty IPC::Run POE Class::Accessor::Fast

For more help with installing Perl modules, see the [cpanm documentation][1]

### VimDebug key bindings

These are the default key bindings.  To change them, edit VimDebug.vim:

    <F12>      Start the debugger
    <Leader>s/ Start the debugger.  Prompts for command line arguments.
    <F10>      Restart debugger. Break points are ALWAYS saved (for all dbgrs).
    <F11>      Exit the debugger

    <F6>       Next
    <F7>       Step
    <F8>       Continue

    <Leader>b  Set break point on the current line
    <Leader>c  Clear break point on the current line

    <Leader>v  Print the value of the variable under the cursor
    <Leader>v/ Print the value of an expression thats entered

    <Leader>/  Type a command for the debugger to execute and echo the result

[1]: http://search.cpan.org/~miyagawa/App-cpanminus-1.1007/lib/App/cpanminus.pm