package WWW::Google::C2DM; use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw(croak); use HTTP::Request; use LWP::UserAgent; use LWP::Protocol::https; use URI; use WWW::Google::C2DM::Response; use 5.008_001; our $VERSION = '0.08'; our $URL = ''; sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; croak "Usage: $class->new(auth_token => \$auth_token)" unless $args{auth_token}; $args{ua} ||= LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => __PACKAGE__.' / '.$VERSION); if ($args{ua}->isa('LWP::UserAgent') && $LWP::UserAgent::VERSION >= 6.00) { $args{ua}->ssl_opts(verify_hostname => 0); } bless { %args }, $class; } sub send { my ($self, %args) = @_; croak 'Usage: $self->send(registration_id => $reg_id, collapse_key => $collapse_key)' unless $args{registration_id} && defined $args{collapse_key} && length $args{collapse_key}; if (my $data = delete $args{data}) { croak 'data parameter must be HASHREF' unless ref $data eq 'HASH'; map { $args{"data.$_"} = $data->{$_} } keys %$data; } my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $URL); $req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->header(Authorization => 'GoogleLogin auth='.$self->{auth_token}); my $uri = URI->new('http://'); $uri->query_form(\%args); $req->content($uri->query); my $http_response = $self->{ua}->request($req); my $result; if ($http_response->code == 200) { my $content = $http_response->content; my $params = { map { split '=', $_, 2 } split /\n/, $content }; if ($params->{Error}) { $result = WWW::Google::C2DM::Response->new( is_success => 0, error_code => $params->{Error}, http_response => $http_response, ); } else { $result = WWW::Google::C2DM::Response->new( is_success => 1, http_response => $http_response, params => $params, ); } } else { $result = WWW::Google::C2DM::Response->new( is_success => 0, http_response => $http_response, ); } return $result; } 1; __END__ =encoding utf-8 =for stopwords =head1 NAME WWW::Google::C2DM - Google C2DM Client =head1 SYNOPSIS use WWW::Google::C2DM; use WWW::Google::ClientLogin; my $auth_token = WWW::Google::ClientLogin->new(...)->authentication->auth_token; my $c2dm = WWW::Google::C2DM->new(auth_token => $auth_token); my $res = $c2dm->send( registration_id => $registration_id, collapse_key => $collapse_key, 'data.message' => $message, ); die $res->error_code if $res->is_error; my $id = $res->id; =head1 DESCRIPTION WWW::Google::C2DM is HTTP Client for Google C2DM service. SEE ALSO L<< >> =head1 METHODS =head2 new(%args) Create a WWW::Google::C2DM instance. my $c2dm = WWW::Google::C2DM->new(auth_token => $auth_token); Supported parameters are: =over 4 =item auth_token : Str Required. authorization token from Google ClientLogin. SEE ALSO L<< WWW::Google::ClientLogin >>. =item ua : LWP::UserAgent Optional. =back =head2 send(%args) Send to C2DM. Returned values is L<< WWW::Google::C2DM::Response >> object. my $res = $c2dm->send( registration_id => $registration_id, collapse_key => $collapse_key, 'data.message' => $message, delay_while_idle => $bool, ); say $res->error_code if $res->is_error; Supported parameters are: =over 4 =item registration_id : Str Required. The registration ID retrieved from the Android application on the phone. registration_id => $registration_id, =item collapse_key : Str Required. An arbitrary string that is used to collapse a group of like messages when the device is offline, so that only the last message gets sent to the client. collapse_key => $collapse_key, =item delay_while_idle : Bool Optional. If included, indicates that the message should not be sent immediately if the device is idle. delay_while_idle => 1, =item data.<key> : Str || data : HASHREF Optional. Payload data, expressed as key-value pairs. my $res = $c2dm->send( .... 'data.message' => $message, '' => $name, ); Or you can specify C<< data >>. Value is must be HASHREF. data => { message => $message, name => $name, }, # Equals: # 'data.message' => $message, # '' => $name, Or you can specify both option. =back SEE ALSO L<< >> =head1 AUTHOR xaicron E<lt>xaicron@cpan.orgE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011 - xaicron =head1 LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO =cut