
This module exports ide_to_TWS_run_from_suite_file ide_to_TWS_run_from_test_file to your test script, and then by parsing the Selense HTML IDE produced files, converts to WWW::Selenium equivalents and runs as close to equivalent actions/tests as possible.

Note, this should still be considered in alpha release mode. Whilst a number of actions are covered, not all are yet.

I would welcome anyone wanting to inform me of the next most important actions to be covered if you need them, or submit of a patch to do so.

The repository can be found on github


Other things of note

verify and assert work in the same way, there is no stopping of the test on assert, as I decided that I would want the test to complete as best as it can.

See the POD in Test::WWW::Selenium::Conversion::IDE for usage.


There is a folder in here new_code with RunIDE.pm file. This is some code sent to me by Alex Malek which might be an improvement over the current code, however, as yet I have been unable to make it pass my test suite. If you are able to do anything with it, please feel free to contact me and submit a patch to do this. When I find time, I plan to take a look myself. Thanks to Alex for the submission.