# NAME Kayako::RestAPI - Perl library for working with [Kayako REST API](https://kayako.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DEV/Kayako+REST+API) # VERSION version 0.03 # SYNOPSIS use Kayako::RestAPI; my $kayako_api = Kayako::RestAPI->new({ "api_url" => '', "api_key" => '', "secret_key" => '' }, { content_key => 'text', pretty => 1, attribute_prefix => 'attr_' }); $kayako_api->get($route, $params); # $params is optional hashref $kayako_api->post($route, $params); $kayako_api->put($route, $params); $kayako_api->delete($route, $params); $kayako_api->get('/Base/Department'); # list of all departements my $ticket_id = 1000; $kayako_api->get_ticket_xml($ticket_id); $kayako_api->get_ticket_hash($ticket_id); $kayako_api->create_ticket({ subject => 'Test ticket', fullname => 'Pavel Serikov', email => 'someuser@gmail.com', contents => 'Hello, world!', departmentid => 5, ticketstatusid => 4, ticketpriorityid => 1, tickettypeid => 5, autouserid => 1 }); You can test you controller with [API Test Controller](https://kayako.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DEV/API+Test+Controller) # METHODS ## xml2obj Convert xml API response to hash using XML::XML2JSON::xml2obj method my $xml = $kayako_api->get('/Some/Endpoint'); my $hash = $kayako_api->xml2obj($xml); Can potentially crash is returned xml isn't valid (when XML::XML2JSON dies) ## get\_hash Wrapper under abstract GET API query, return hash $kayako_api->get_hash('/Some/API/Endpoint'); Can potentially crash is returned xml isn't valid (when XML::XML2JSON dies) ## get\_ticket\_xml Get info about ticket in native XML $kayako_api->get_ticket_xml($ticket_id); ## get\_ticket\_hash $kayako_api->get_ticket_hash($ticket_id); ## change\_ticket\_owner $kayako_api->change_ticket_owner($ticket_id, $new_owner_id); ## make\_unassigned $kayako_api->make_unassigned($ticket_id); equalent to $kayako_api->change_ticket_owner($ticket_id, 0); ## create\_ticket Check a list of required arguments here: [https://kayako.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DEV/REST+-+Ticket#REST-Ticket-POST/Tickets/Ticket](https://kayako.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DEV/REST+-+Ticket#REST-Ticket-POST/Tickets/Ticket) ## filter\_fields Filter fields of API request result and trim content\_key By default leave only id, title and module fields my $arrayref = $kayako_api->get_hash('/Some/API/Endpoint'); $kayako_api->filter_fields($arrayref); ## get\_departements $kayako_api->get_departements(); Return an arrayref of hashes with title, module and id keys like \[ { 'module' => 'tickets', 'title' => 'Hard drives department', 'id' => '5' }, { 'id' => '6', 'module' => 'tickets', 'title' => 'Flash drives department' } \] API endpoint is /Base/Department/ ## get\_ticket\_statuses $kayako_api->get_ticket_statuses(); Return an arrayref of hashes with title and id keys like [ { 'title' => 'In progress', 'id' => '1' }, { 'title' => 'Closed', 'id' => '3' }, { 'id' => '4', 'title' => 'New' } ] API endpoint is /Tickets/TicketStatus/ ## get\_ticket\_priorities $kayako_api->get_ticket_priorities(); Return an arrayref of hashes with title and id keys like [ { 'title' => 'Normal', 'id' => '1' }, { 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'Urgent' }, ] API endpoint is /Tickets/TicketPriority/ ## get\_ticket\_types $kayako_api->get_ticket_types(); Return an arrayref of hashes with title and id keys like \[ { 'id' => '1', 'title' => 'Case' }, { 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'Bug' }, { 'id' => '5', 'title' => 'Feedback' } \]; API endpoint is /Tickets/TicketType/ ## get\_staff $kayako_api->get_staff(); Return an arrayref of hashes with keys like firstname, lastname, username etc. E.g. [ { ... }, { 'id' => { 'text' => '12' }, 'firstname' => { 'text' => 'Pavel' }, 'email' => { 'text' => 'pavelsr@cpan.org' }, 'lastname' => { 'text' => 'Serikov' }, 'enabledst' => { 'text' => '0'}, 'username' => { 'text' => 'pavelsr' }, 'isenabled' => { 'text' => '1' }6, 'staffgroupid' => { 'text' => '4' }, 'greeting' => {}, 'timezone' => {}, 'designation' => { 'text' => 'TS' }, 'mobilenumber' => {}, 'signature' => {}, 'fullname' => { 'text' => 'Pavel Serikov' } } ] API endpoint is /Base/Staff/ # AUTHOR Pavel Serikov <pavelsr@cpan.org> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Pavel Serikov. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.