GuacLite - Toolkit for implementing a frontend server/client the Apache
    Guacamole system



    The Apache Guacamole system <> comprises
    several tools which used in combination can provide access to remote
    hosts via various protocols.

    The first component is a daemon, "Guacd", which is a compiled
    application that uses these various protocols to communicate with host
    computers. It then accepts inbound connections from clients which speak
    a unified protocol, called guacamole, to access those hosts. Guacd is
    therefore both a proxy/relay and a translator.

    In theory any system could connect to guacd but in practice there is a
    major client, the Java application called "guacamole-common". It is a
    server which serves a Javascript application and provides a websocket
    <-> tcp proxy/relay between the javascript application and guacd. It
    also has user, group, and host management, authentication, and policy

    Because of these extra features it requires persistence (a database)
    and api calls to add/update users and hosts in order to use it. Also,
    because it is written in Java any extension to the system must also be
    written in Java and served alongside it in a Tomcat or other JSP

    The Javascript application, called "guacamole-common-js", is a
    browser-native client for guacd with the exception that it speaks
    websocket rather than direct tcp. Therefore it requires a service that
    can provide that relay. It also sends keep-alive (ping/pong) messages
    that don't conform to the guacamole protocol and that the proxy must
    filter out and reply to.


    This project exists to allow non-Java projects that wish to use
    guacamole-common-js to access a guacd service, without having to
    conform to the usage expectations of guacamole-common, and without
    having to alter that application via Java. It provides a toolkit for
    implementing a frontend server/client to guacd via Perl and
    Mojolicious, without any built-in business logic (user management, host
    configuration). It provides the following components, each of which are
    independent and may be used with any Mojolicious application to provide
    or embed remote access via a guacd service.

 Guacd Client

    GuacLite::Client::Guacd is a Perl/Mojolicious client that communicates
    with a guacd service. It configures all relevant parameters for
    communicating with the guacd service and opening a connection to the
    remote host (including performing the requisite handshake).

    The current supported version of the protocol is 1.3.0

 Guacd Websocket Tunneling Plugin

    GuacLite::Plugin::Guacd is a plugin that provides a helper method to
    establish a websocket connection between a client and a guacd service
    via a configured (but not connected) GuacLite::Client::Guacd instance.
    It initiates the guacd connection and triggers the handshake, it then
    passes messages between the guacd connection and the client's
    websocket, monitoring backpressure between them, and handling the
    keep-alive messages.

    In the future, passing a connected guacd client should be possible, but
    it hasn't been implemented yet.


    GuacLite::Util provides utilies for using the system. Currently it only
    provides one function which can bundle the guacamole-common-js files
    into a single javascript file and provide an initialize function to
    defer loading the javascript until necessary, which is required by some
    newer browsers.

 Example Web Application

    GuacLite::Client::Web is an example web application which is intended
    to be used as a reference and test implementation of the tools. It
    should function correctly but currently has almost no user interface
    and for the time being shouldn't be relied on to be in its current
    state. While the preceding libraries in the distribution are considered
    production ready and will only change if necessary, this example
    application can and may change without warning.

    In the future, perhaps this application will be made into a fully
    featured web client, however that risks falling into the (my opinion)
    feature creep seen in the original Java application that it replaces.

 guaclite script

    It includes an script which can start the example application or can be
    used to bundle the javascript via the utility function. See details of
    both above.

 Bundled Assets

    The distribution does include the bundled version guacamole-common-js.
    The exact version provided is not guaranteed. For production
    environments, it is encouraged that you download you own copy of the
    library and either bundle it with the utility or else bundle as you see

    It also contains the templates/files for the example application, which
    are subject to the caveats of the example application itself.

 Containerization Files

    The distribution contains example Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml
    files to facilitate easy use of the example application and for
    deploying both it and a guacd service. These are provided as reference
    only and should not be relied upon for production use, owing to the
    same warning as previously about the stability of the example


    Joel Berger, <>


    None yet :)


    This original work is copyright 2020 - 2021 by "AUTHOR" and

    This original work is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    implied. See the License for the specific language governing
    permissions and limitations under the License.


    This repository and/or library also bundles work from "Apache
    Guacamole" <> which is also licensed under
    the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.