
HTTP::UserAgentString::Parser is a Perl API for  It can 
be used to parse user agent strings and determine whether the agent is a robot, 
a normal browser, mobile browser, e-mail client.  It can also tell browser version, 
company that makes it, home page URL.  In most of the cases it can also tell in 
which OS the browser is running.

HTTP::UserAgentString::Parser will download the .ini file provided by 
which contains all the information to do the parsing.  The file will be cached by default
for 7 days.  After that time, it will check whether a new version was released.  The
default cache time can be modified, as well as the cache path (default is /tmp).  A
cache reload can also be forced.

In order to parse a string, a parse() method is provided which returns an object
of classes HTTP::UserAgentString::Browser or HTTP::UserAgentString::Robot.  Both classes 
have accesors to determine agent capabilities.  In case the string does not match any known 
browser or robot, undef() is returned.


Copyright (c) 2012 Nicolas Moldavsky (e-planning /