=head1 NAME Finance::Currency::Convert::ECBdaily - convert currencies using ECBdaily =head1 SYNOPSIS use Finance::Currency::Convert::ECBdaily; $Finance::Currency::Convert::ECBdaily::CHAT = 1; $_ = Finance::Currency::Convert::ECBdaily::convert(1,'USD','GBP'); print defined($_)? "Is $_\n" : "Error."; exit; # See the currencies in a dirty way: use Finance::Currency::Convert::ECBdaily; use Data::Dumper; warn %Finance::Currency::Convert::ECBdaily::currencies; exit; =head1 DESCRIPTION Using ECBdaily, converts a sum between two currencies. =cut =head1 USE Call the module's C<&convert> routine, supplying three arguments: the amount to convert, and the currencies to convert from and to. Codes are used to identify currencies: you may view them in the values of the C<%currencies> hash, where keys are descriptions of the currencies. In the event that attempts to convert fail, you will recieve C<undef> in response, with errors going to STDERR, and notes displayed if the modules global C<$CHAT> is defined. =head2 SUBROUTINE convert $value = &convert( $amount_to_convert, $from, $to); Requires the sum to convert, and two symbols to represent the source and target currencies. In more detail, access L<https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml>, where the value of C<s> (in the example, C<GBPUSD>) is the value of the source and target currencies, and the rest is stuff I've not looked into.... =cut =head1 EXPORTS None. =head1 REVISIONS Please see the enclosed file CHANGES. =head1 PROBLEMS? If this doesn't work, www.ecb.europa.eu have probably changed their URI or HTML format. Let me know and I'll fix the code. Or by all means send a patch. Please don't just post a bad review on CPAN, I don't get CC'd them. =head1 SEE ALSO L<LWP::UserAgent>: L<HTTP::Request>: L<JSON>; L<https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/policy_and_exchange_rates/euro_reference_exchange_rates/html/index.en.html>. =head1 AUTHOR berlin3, details -at- cpan -dot- org. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) details, 2018, ff. - All Rights Reserved. This library is free software and may be used only under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut